I'll admit it: I'm a B-Movie
do I love ‘em?
it the cheap sets? The bad
acting, costumes and props?
The continuity errors, or
Swiss Cheese plots with the holes
big enough that you can drive
a semi-truck through them? Who
knows. Probably all of the
the ones I truly enjoy are
where the creators -- despite
budget limitations, or general
lack of any discernable talent
-- manage to turn out a
decent, if
not-quite-spectacular film.
long as its earnest with its
intentions, if not in the
execution, then that’s good
enough for me.
let it be known that even I
have my limits. Don’t get me
wrong. I love the ineptitude,
and the more idiotic the
better. It can be terrible,
hilarious -- or even
inspiring, but the one thing
it can’t be is BORING!
don’t care how gawd-stinking
awful the film is, if some
form of genuine entertainment
can be wrung from it, then I
say by all means pop it in,
adjust the tracking, and then
turn out the lights (where
applicable) and lets
all wallow in the badness
together. |