celebrate a recent pilgrimage down Highway
375 (a/k/a the Extraterrestrial Highway)
to Rachel, Nevada -- home
of the Little A'Le'Inn and Area 51 --
I decided to tackle this little
documentary about the McPherson families'
harrowing alien abduction caught on video
tape. Alleging that it really happened and
the McPhersons are still missing to this
day, the program was aired by the UPN
network in 1998 and had the nation
buzzing, wondering if it was real or a
hoax. Let's examine the evidence and then
decide for ourselves, shall we?
Thanksgiving, and the McPherson clan has
gathered at the family cabin somewhere
deep in the backwoods of Lake County, Minnesota,
for the traditional turkey dinner: the
recently widowed mother, Roslyn; eldest
son Kurt, his wife, Linda, and their six
year old daughter, Rosie; eldest daughter
Melanie, and her boyfriend, Matthew
Wilson; middle son Brian, and his
girlfriend, Renee Laurent; and lastly,
Roslyn's youngest son, Tommy, rounds out
this family unit.

things start out innocently enough. The
dining table is brimming with food and
family chicanery, most of it courtesy of
Tommy, who is being both a nuisance with
his new video camera and constantly
scolded by his mother for the abuse of the
very same. (Seems
the camera is permanently attached to the
kid's left hand and is constantly on, so
everything we see is from Tommy's
But just as the family sits down to eat,
the power conks out. When Kurt
and Brian move to check the fuse box in
the garage, Tommy tags along, filming away
while his oldest brother is inexplicably
burned by the metal access panel. While
the others laugh at his misfortune, their
attention is soon drawn outside, where,
down the road, the transformer perched
atop the nearest power pole is angrily
throwing off sparks as it seemingly
a few rational explanations are kicked
around, Tommy's camera spies some eerie
lights popping and flashing in the woods.
Curious, the McPherson brothers decide to
investigate further. Turned off during the
interim, Tommy's camera flips back on to
find all of the siblings in a highly
agitated state. Well, you probably would
be, too, if you'd just stumbled upon a UFO
parked near your house. Fighting to keep
things in frame and in focus, Tommy films
two aliens exiting the ship, who start
zapping a cow with some kind of

that startling display of firepower, the
men hightail it back to the house, where
the women have been busy breaking out
about a million candles. Along with the
power being cut, the phone lines are out,
too, and everything else battery operated,
except for the camera -- he typed
dubiously, appears to be on the fritz. (The
tape was allegedly shot in 1997. I don't
think cell phones were quite as prevalent
as they are now.) Sensing something
is really wrong, Kurt offers no
explanation to the squabbling relatives as
he breaks out the family arsenal. Then
suddenly, the house is swamped by a
high-pitched sonic attack! As everyone
covers the ears, except for Rosie, who
seems strangely unaffected, the noise
finally subsides, replaced by the menacing
patter of some thing outside the
house trying to get in
taping a flashlight to the barrel of his
shotgun, Kurt takes the keys to the
largest vehicle, tells everyone to sit
tight, and he'll bring Brian's SUV right
to the front door so they can all get away
from these extraterrestrial home invaders.
in a nice realistic touch, Mom is worried
about all the food. She worked hard on
that turkey, dammit!) Tommy
follows Kurt outside but they spot no
little gray men. Here, Tommy confesses he
soiled himself when he first saw the
aliens (--
and proves it by panning down to his damp
only to be assured that everybody else is
just as scared. (Thankfully, Tommy
didn't do a quick check of everyone's
crotch to see for sure.) When the
truck won't start, Kurt pops the hood but
before he can open it, there is a flash of
light and smoke erupts from the engine.
Using the gun barrel, he raises the
super-heated hood to discover the battery
has melted into a steaming glob of goo.
Trapped, they
retreat back into the house.

tape jumps ahead again, and we find the
family gathered in the living room. Panic
hasn't quite reached the hysterical stage
yet, but they're real close. Roslyn is
nursing another glass of wine and
frightfully asks "What do they
want?" The only answer she gets are
the sounds of something crawling on the
roof. Running back outside, Tommy trains
his camera on the roof and catches a
fleeting glimpse of an alien
crawling into an upstairs window.
Reporting this to Kurt, he leads the way
upstairs, where, after several suspenseful
turns, a ray of light shoots at him from
the darkness. He fires back and the light
the family regroups in the kitchen and
tries to formulate a plan of action, the
majority of the group comes down with a
massive nosebleed. Only the McPhersons are
affected, except, again, for young Rosie. (Matthew
and Renee, the non-family members aren't
affected, either, but Linda, Kurt's wife
and Rosie's mother, is.) After
everyone crams toilet paper into their
noses, trying to staunch the flow, the
tape jumps
ahead again: Kurt and Brian are going to
try and make it to the highway on foot for
help. When they head to the door, a ball
of light crashes into the house and raises
holy hell, shrieking though every nook and
cranny. It's erratic flight plan continues
until it slams into Renee, knocking her
down. This light blast has apparently
knocked her into a coma from which they
cannot awaken her. It takes some
convincing to coax Brian away from her so
they can make a run for the highway.
Matthew decides to join this expedition,
leaving Tommy in charge of the womenfolk
so they can look after Renee.

the men leave, the tape jumps
ahead about an hour, according to the
camera's time stamp, but the remaining
family only feel a few minutes have
passed. (Meaning
they've lost an hour, or experienced
"missing time.")
Linda is getting a little panicky, Mom's
on her fourth or fifth glass of wine by
now, and Melanie has unearthed yet another
shotgun. Hearing
gunfire from outside, Melanie and Tommy
head out but see nothing. Once back
inside, the power starts flickering on and
off again, as if teasing them. Then, the
phone starts ringing but no one is on the
line. The teasing continues with rogue
appliances -- ice makers and stove tops --
until the house plunges into darkness
again. Then, everyone
starts feeling very hot, and it gets worse
when they all get a burning sensation on
the back of their necks. Tommy pulls
Linda's collar back, revealing a
triangular burn mark. As this pain becomes
unbearable, Rosie assures everyone that it
will all be over in a minute. (What
is with this kid?)
She proves right as the pain quickly
subsides. When Linda asks how Rosie knew
this, before she can answer, the
appliances start going haywire again.
the last straw for everyone. Panic has
finally given way to hysteria. When there
are more gunshots heard outside, Tommy
heads out and films the remains of two
shotguns: one's barrel is melted down,
while the other has been surgically sliced
in two. There are no signs of his brothers
or Matthew. He spies more weird lights in
the woods and we can make out two sinister
shapes approaching. Tommy orders everyone
back inside. Once in, Melanie tells Tommy
to put the damn camera down and help them
barricade the door. He sits it on the
bathroom vanity and the picture goes dark.

short time later, the camera comes back on
and Tommy gives a tearful testimonial,
recaps the days events, and prophesizes
that he probably won't live to see
tomorrow. He takes up his camera, but
finds an empty house. His search continues
to his darkened bedroom, but it's empty
too. He pans around to leave and comes
face to face with an alien. He's cut off
in mid-sentence. The alien approaches him.
He drops the camera and it reveals Tommy
is frozen in a trance like state. The
alien closes in and the tape stops.
McPhersons and they're guests haven't been
seen since.
Did this really happen? Is the tape
authentic or a hoax? Well,
if you stick around long enough, you'll
get your answer with the closing credits.
Especially the particular credits of Shari
Khademi as Alien #1 and Myles Wolf as
Alien #2. In fact, the actors who played
the entire family are credited in the
credits as well. And a director. And
cinematographer. And catering services.
yes, it was all a hoax brought to you by
executive producer Dick Clark. I guess his
lack of aging could suggest that he is one
of THEM, or a result of one of their
genetic experiments. Debuting almost a
full year before the found-footage
shit-storm of The Blair Witch Project,
but, remember, there was a rash of films
around this time dealing with "This
really happened" subjects as seen
through video-taped accounts of their
characters filming their own descent into
madness or their eventual demise like in The
Last Broadcast.
it's premiere, UPN called for a web poll,
where you could vote on whether you
thought the tape was authentic or not. The
network caught holy hell from viewers who
didn't find it very funny but blasphemous.
I guess they didn't stick around for the
credits. But even without the credits,
there are plenty of clues that the film is
a hoax. Thanks to The X-Files and
Art Bell, alien abductions and the little
green/gray men's agendas have become so
much a part of pop culture that everyone
knows all the components that consists of
one. And Alien Abduction does
it's damndest to cram ALL of them in to
the point where it becomes rather
is the snafu in all the electrical
equipment; or the blackout phase. Second,
is the nosebleeds, suggesting the family
has been abducted before and been
implanted with tracking devices in their
noses. The aliens have upgraded, too, with
more triangular shaped implants stuck in
the body at strategic points for more data
collection -- the triangles in their
necks. There's
also the lost time effect; where the
victim is zapped with a bad case of
jet-lag after losing the set amount of
time. And speaking frankly, I'm kinda
surprised they left out the most popular
form alien probe -- you know the one I'm
talking about, and was sorely disappointed
that no one complained that their butt
hurt after experiencing some of that lost

then there was the whole thing with young Rosie.
At the beginning of the program, they
showed us pictures of all the missing
people. When Rosie's picture came up, I
think we were supposed to notice her HUGE,
almost alien like eyes.
Is Rosie an experiment of seedy alien
breeding purposes? I think they wanted us
to think so. Why else would she be so
calm, unaffected, and clairvoyant during
the proceedings?
watching the recent alien invasion movie Signs,
the little girl in that movie reminded of
Rosie. A lot. In fact, I thought the
little water fetishist was an alien
experiment, too. I was wrong, but at least
the aliens in Alien Abduction brought
a ray-gun with them in case they ran into
a closed door.
And so, with the memories of this program
drudged up, I had a hankering to watch it
again. I thought I had this thing taped,
and have been digging through my huge pile
of unlabeled tapes ever since. Two months
later, I finally found it. Well, part
of it.
try and give the McPherson's tape some
credibility, the program is interrupted
several times by UFO scholars, local law
enforcement, and other alien abductees to
try and explain what's happening. The
McPherson video itself is creepily
effective but the program completely falls
apart during these interruptions by the
*ahem* experts. The actors in the staged
film hold the bluff, while these ringers
appear to be on the verge of laughing at
us at any moment, whether we're talking
about the medical
and psychological experts who've had
experiences with abductees; the
special-effects expert, who claims the
phenomenon witnessed are impossible to
fake; followed by the scientific skeptic
with a pocketful of rational explanations
-- who must be smart because he's got the
complete set of World Book Encyclopedias
stacked behind him; and last and least,
the obligatory man in shadows screaming
it's all a government conspiracy. And
everyone of them is confirmed as bogus,
too, by the film's credits.

only exception to this is Stanton
Friedman. Friedman is a nuclear physicist
who was a regular on Art Bell's radio
program before old Art got a little too
preoccupied with the 'End of the World'
around the build up to the Y2K non-event.
A true man of science, Friedman believes
in the existence of extraterrestrials, and
has some interesting theories on why
they're here and the effects of
electro-magnetism and microwaves on the
human body. Seems Friedman
was duped into being on the program, not
realizing he was the only real expert, but
holds no animosity toward the producers.
He still believes what he believes.
for me? Do I believe in extraterrestrials?
I believe that they're here, running amok,
mutilating cattle, giving people anal
probes, and in cahoots with the government
trying to assimilate their way in and take
over? Maaaaaybe ... My personal
theory is all alien visitors are just
lost, rubbernecking, or seeing the sights.
I mean, it's an awful big universe. And to
suggest we're the only life in it is a
trifle small-minded in my book. Who knows.
Somewhere, out there, somebody could be
watching a mockumentary about strange
creatures on the third rock from a sun
somewhere in the Milky Way galaxy. Noodle
that one for awhile, Boils and Ghouls.
