open in the thick of it. It
being some kind of scientific experiment
that's bound to go awry -- or it's going
to be an awfully boring movie, right?
Right. Well, he typed ominously,
anyways ... Tesla-coils pop off,
Jacob's-ladders spark and buzz, and
beakers of colored liquids broil and
bubble ... Now, this type of hardware is
an obvious sign that the experiment being
conducted by these two, as of yet, unknown
people is of a dubious, if not totally
legal, nature -- or approved by the FDA.
Then, the film's editor brings his
meat-cleaver into play and we abruptly
jump outside, where a storm is a brewing,
and the credits roll.

we're watching Blackenstein,
and just in case we didn't get
it, they added
The Black Frankenstein. Just
how stupid do they think the audience
is? And already am I checking the film's
running time, seeing how much longer I
have to suffer ... Ack, too long.
the magical editing meat-cleaver falls
again, we jump to the airport, where the
soundtrack turns super-funky soulful as we
catch up with Dr. Winifred Walker (Ivory
Stone), who then winds her way to
the mansion home of her old college
professor, Dr. Stein (John Hart).
Ringing the doorbell, Malcolm (Roosevelt
Jackson), Dr. Stein's creepy
assistant, let's her inside. How do we
know he's creepy? Well, he's trying real
hard to sound like Bobby "Boris"
Picket trying to do Boris Karloff and
Peter Lorre at the same time --
and failing miserably I might add
... She asks to see the doctor, who, at
this very moment, is in the lab we saw
earlier. The electrical equipment is still
raging in all it's cacophonic glory, but
somehow he hears a buzzer sounding and
sees a particular red light flashing over
all the other noise and lights. (That's
some paging system.)
Stein is happy to see his gifted pupil
again and invites her to stay for supper.
Once more with the editing meat-cleaver,
then, as
we instantly move to a darkened dining
room, where the diners sit on opposite
ends of a very large table. Stuck in a
holding pattern, the camera laps the table
thrice before the dialogue picks up again.
(*sshht* Roger, copy that, tower, we
have dialogue. Over. *sshht*) Apparently,
Winifred has come for two reasons; one,
she needs a job; and two, her fiancé,
Eddie Turner (Joe DeSue),
was badly wounded while serving in Vietnam
and has been transferred to nearby VA
Hospital; and
ultimately, she wants to know if Dr. Stein
can use some of his scientific
breakthroughs in DNA and grafting limbs to
help Eddie recover. When Dr. Stein asks the nature
of his injuries, Winifred turns all
cryptic and won't tell him. (Why?!)
Regardless, Dr. Stein offers her a job as
a lab assistant and is happy to help
anyway he can. And combine that kooky lab
with the name Stein, and, yeah, no matter
how much "help" Eddie gets this
will probably all end in fire...

has the stigma of being thee worst
interpretation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
ever committed to film. That's not quite
true. Not only is it the worst
interpretation of Frankenstein
I've seen, it's in the running for the
most inept movie ever made. Period. And
I've sat through a lot of ineptness. So, Sinister
Soul Cinema has taken an even more
sinister turn with this week's movie.
Sorry, everybody...
knew I was in trouble the minute I brought
the tape home. I'd bought it used at a
vintage vinyl store while visiting a
friend in Omaha, and something wasn't
quite right with the tape, physically, as
we could not get his VCR to accept it.
Usually a VCR takes a bad tape, then spits
it out when it won't play. Not this time. You couldn't even
get the damned thing into the slot. Taking the tape
home, I eventually forced it into my own
player with much exertion. Once in, the tape played
fine, but, obviously,
the VCR knew something I didn't. And I'd
like to take this opportunity to express
my full and sincerest apology to both VCRs.
... I
had heard from other, prominent
sources that Blackenstein
was, quite possibly, one of the worst
movies ever made. Armed with this
information, I was able to steel myself
before watching it. Expecting the worst,
then, there's some kind of psychological defense
mechanism that takes over when watching
this movie. You keep telling yourself
"It's not that bad" -- relieved to
know it couldn't get any worse. How could
it? As I said before, this film isn't so much a painfully bad
movie, but a painfully inept
inept? Well, let's look at the evidence as
our leads head over to the hospital. On
the way, Winifred finally
reveals that Eddie stepped on a landmine
and lost both his arms and legs.
Meanwhile, the patient in question
is having trouble with a surly orderly (Bob
Brophy). Well, surly isn't quite
the right word for this guy. Let's try
evil and psychotic bastard instead. (That's
getting warmer...) When
Eddie asks for some water, the orderly
tells him to get it himself, and then
points out, and rubs it in, that he
obviously can't. Jealous of Eddie's
military service, saying he couldn't go
because he was 4-F, the chickenhawk
orderly then starts ranting about how he
pays taxes, and since Eddie got wounded
defending the Republic, now, he'll have to
foot the wounded veteran's medical bills
until he dies. (Come to think of
it, evil & psychotic bastard doesn't
really do this ass-clown justice, either.)

Winifred and Dr. Stein arrive, scaring the
odiously obnoxious orderly off. But Eddie isn't exactly
thrilled to see Winifred. After receiving his
traumatic injuries, he tried to call off their
engagement but Winifred refused to
give up on him. She introduces Dr. Stein, winner of
the Nobel Peace Price for cracking the
genetic code [...and resident quack.] Dr.
Stein offers no guarantees, but if Eddie's
willing to subject himself to some radical
experimentation there's a chance he could
become normal again. With nothing to lose,
Eddie agrees ... And while the patient is
transferred to Dr. Stein's mansion, the
Soulful Soundtrack Siren flexes her pipes
again. Back in the lab, Stein and
Winifred conduct an experiment by
bombarding some poor rabbit with cosmic
rays. (Live! Dammit! Live!)
When the red-light and buzzer go off,
either Eddie has arrived or it's
Commissioner Gordon and the Riddler's back
in town ... Once he's settled in, Eddie
admits he isn't quite sold on his chances,
Winifred begs him to trust in Dr. Stein
and things can be like they were before. (And
I don't know about the rest of you, but
Winifred is coming off as awful shallow.
If she really loves Eddie would she
subject him to some unknown experiments or
take him as is?) Laying it out, Dr.
Stein says the procedure will proceed in
three stages:
The first stage begins with
a series of injections of Stein's
Super-Secret, World Shattering DNA
formula. After administering the drugs,
they leave Eddie to rest and move on to
the doctor's other patients. First up is
Eleanor (Andrea King), who
is around 90 years old but, thanks to Dr.
Stein, she doesn't look a day over 75.
Wow. Science is amazing ... However, science
has it's boundaries and Eleanor needs a
SSWS-DNA booster shot every 24-hours or she'll shrivel
up like a desiccated prune. The next genetic freak --
excuse me, patient, is Bruno (Nick
Bolin). He's had someone else's
legs attached to his body by laser-beam
fusion. And while one leg looks fine, the other,
to Winifred's horror, is striped like a
tiger! Dr. Stein comments it's a bad
reaction to a new, Super-Secret Not Quite
Yet World Shattering RNA formula.
According to Herr Doktor, the plan
is to eventually replace the SSWS-
DNA shots
with the sturdier SSNQYWS-RNA since, in
theory, it should last longer than the
first generation injections. But first, they have to resolve
these *ahem* unpleasant de-evolving

hell? I
knew I should have paid more attention
in science class, and I flunked out of
anatomy, but, dammit, none of this makes one lick of sense.
two of Eddie's procedure commences after
he's wheeled into the lab. Firing up the
equipment, Dr. Stein begins to attach some
new arms onto his hulking frame. (And
where exactly did those arms come from,
MISTER man?) Then, Stein runs up his
electrical bill for awhile before claiming
the operation was a complete success. (Huu-zzah.)
night, yet another storm is brewing. (Does
it really rain this much in Los Angeles?)
And the household is awakened by some
primal screaming. This is one of the
hazardous side-effects of the SSNQYWS-RNA shot that
Dr. Stein warned us about: Bruno, locked
in a violent seizure, is
frothing at the mouth. As Winifred watches
Malcolm wrestle the patient into a
straight-jacket, Dr. Stein
assures her not to worry (-- move
along ... nothing to see here...); this
kind of thing happens when breaking in a new drug.
how come you didn't mention these
side-effects from the beginning, you
does Winifred cut her losses, pack up her
fiancé and leave? Nope. She closes her
eyes, hopes for the best, and helps Dr. Stein
prepare Eddie for the final stages of his
restoration process. (Now that's love,
baby!) We've also been noticing
that Malcolm has been acting awful
lecherous around Winifred lately. And he
confirms our suspicions by admitting his
infatuation, and then professes his love for
her. To her credit, Winifred let's him down easy, saying
she's already engaged to Eddie. She
really is quite nice about it, but Malcolm
doesn't take rejection very well and
sabotages Eddie's latest rounds of
injections, replacing the dose of SSWS-DNA with a dose of the unstable
SSNQYWS-RNA. Then, with Eddie out of the way, Winifred
will be all his. Thus, Eddie is given the bogus
injections and wheeled into the lab for
more surgery. And as the sparks start flying,
Dr. Stein and Winifred attach the new legs,
but then something starts to go wrong as Eddie goes into convulsions until
they get him sedated. However, over the
schizophrenic soundtrack, we hear a
thumping heartbeat growing steadier and
stronger. After a little more tinkering, the
operation is complete, the patient is wheeled back
to his room, and despite these unforeseen
complications Dr. Stein claims Eddie will
be just fine.

a few days of recuperation pass Dr. Stein assures
a worried Winifred that Eddie should now be able to get
up and walk on his own. But when they check
in on him the patient takes a turn
for the worse, saying he doesn't feel
right, and Winifred is shocked to see a
prominent bony ridge starting to protrude
over Eddie's eyes. Concerned, Stein calls
for Malcolm and
they wheel Eddie back to the lab for some
blood tests. But, unable to find anything
wrong, they decide run the tests again;
and this time, Winifred makes a startling discovery:
black pubic hairs have sprouted on the
back of Eddie's hands! (You
monsters! What did you to do him? What sin
could a man commit in a single
lifetime...) Worse yet, Eddie has
slipped into a coma and doesn't respond to
any stimuli. Ordering Malcolm to increase the
dosages of SSWS-DNA, beyond that, the befuddled Stein
decides to sleep on it and get a fresh
start in the morning.
some point during
the night, strange guttural noises start emanating
from the lab. Seems Eddie's awake, but he has
been transformed into Blackenstein! The
Black Frankenstein -- or, more
appropriately, The Black Frankenstein
Monster but now I'm just nitpicking, and,
believe you me, this film just isn't worth
it. Frankly, I don't even want to fathom
why Dr. Stein dressed up his patient in
high-water pants, sport coat, and patent
leather shoes but, nonetheless, Eddie
Monster (*hee*hee*) shambles
off into the night, like a drunk trying to
act sober, grunting like an obscene
phone caller.
guess I should thank my lucky stars that
the monster isn't naked, right? Right...

it all the way back to VA hospital -- and
judging by his rate of speed this should
have taken him about three days, but, thanks to the editor and his magic editing
meat-cleaver, Franken-Eddie makes it in no time at
all. Shuffling inside, our monster finds
that surly orderly, pummels him
mercilessly, and then pulls one of the
victim's arms off and proceeds to beat
him to death with it! Once finished,
Franken-Eddie shambles off. But the night is
young, and the magic meat-cleaver
transports us to a bedroom, where Doc Severnson and Dolly
Parton are engaged in some
foreplay (-- well, that's who they
reminded me of.) Things come to a
quick halt because Dolly's worried
about her dog, who's barking up a storm
outside. And when the barking abruptly ends
with a loud whine, Dolly tells Doc if he
wants to get any he'd better go out and check
on the dog. He does, and we soon hear his
death-yipe, too. Heading outside to
investigate, Dolly finds the body of Doc
and the dog. Now, she appears to be more upset
about the dog -- until she spots Franken-Eddie,
who grasps her in a deadly bear hug. And
then, well, the editor's meat cleaver gets
another magical workout as we see some legs, then hear
some wet sounds, more legs, and then Franken-Eddie
playing with Dolly's entrails.
next morning, Winifred checks on Eddie (--
I assume snuck back in sometime. Why? No,
I'm asking you!) Alas, Eddie has
slipped back into a coma and is not
responding at all. Suspicious of Malcolm,
Winifred starts to run some experiments on
Eddie's medication -- but then we hit some
kind of time-warp, and suddenly, it's
nighttime again. And after the bubbling and
buzzing noises of the lab rock Winifred to
sleep, Franken-Eddie grunts and grumbles back to life,
and then shambles off again, into the night,
looking for more entrails to play with ...
He finds his next prey in the park, where a young
couple has come to make-out. But when the
creepy young man cranks up his tunes and
starts putting the moves on his date -- Omigod.
Listen to the song! Is it? It is! It's Good
King Wenceslas!
You know, I've always found public domain
holiday tunes make great make-out music,
too --
the girl feels he's getting a little too
fresh and rejects his grab-fanny advances. Rebuffed,
he pulls the "put out or walk
home" card. When she chooses the
latter, true to his word, Douche
McTurdburger roars off, leaving
her behind. And so, we watch her legs walk
through the forest. Then, we switch to
Franken-Eddie's feet shuffling along. Her feet
stop, as if her toes heard something
following her. They hear it again, and her
feet pick up some steam while Franken-Eddie's
clod-hoppers ramble along at the same
plodding pace until, inexplicably, her
feet collide with his feet at the bridge.
And as we ponder just how in the hell he
managed to get in front of her, the
girl's feet, legs and hips are drug off
into the darkness.

An awful lot of
shots of feet in this damned movie...
next morning, things are rather glum
around the breakfast table at the Stein
house. All except for Malcolm, who is
acting pretty smug. Confounded by Eddie's
lack of progress, Dr. Stein and Winifred
return to the lab to run more tests, where
they hear some grunting coming from Eddie's
cell. (He came back again?) When
Franken-Eddie reaches through the bars and paws at
Winifred -- c'mon, he just wants to play
with your entrails -- Dr. Stein fights him
off with an awful convenient piece of
chain. (Waitaminute ... You mean he
not only came back, but he came back AND locked himself in his cage?)
When called upon to
chain Franken-Eddie up, Malcolm also
informs Dr. Stein that the police are here
and would like to question him about
several ghastly murders in the
neighborhood. When Stein
meets with Detective Oblivious and Sgt.
Unaware, they asks if he's noticed
anything strange the past few nights. And
Stein says no, he hasn't, Detective
Oblivious and Sgt. Unaware thank him for
his time and leave. (You're tax
dollars at work people.)
do the magical meat-cleaving time-warp again! Night
falls (-- rather abruptly), and
since Malcolm obviously
"neglected" to lock Franken-Eddie up,
the monster gets out and shuffles his way down the
boulevard toward the Parisian Club, where
comedian Andy C wastes the next ten
minutes of the film with his lame-ass act.
How lame? We really, really want to see
what his entrails look like after
the talking dog joke. And our hopes are raised
high when Andy C goes outside for a cigarette
after finishing his set. (C'mon
movie. You can redeem yourself right here.
Please-oh-please...) But Eddie
shuffles right by him and attacks a couple
making out in the alley instead. He kills the guy
quickly, as the woman, whose top has
mysteriously fallen open, watches
helplessly. Then Eddie rips her apart and
shakes her guts around for awhile.

this makes us wonder if Dr. Stein gave
Eddie the mutant power to put the
hypno-whammy on people that causes men to
fight like Joe Besser and causes women
to freeze in their tracks until their
entrails are pulled out.
C, who watched the whole thing, calls in the cops.
And though the police quickly cordon off the area,
Franken-Eddie -- very noisily -- walks right through their
barricade completely unseen. (Again,
your tax dollars at work!) Once
more, Franken-Eddie
returns to the mansion, where, at this very
moment, Malcolm is trying to rape
Winifred! Busting in in time, Franken-Eddie starts
throwing Malcolm around the room until
Winifred screams, drawing his attention,
allowing her attacker to escape. As the
monster shambles toward her, Malcolm
returns with a pistol and empties it,
point blank, but the bullets have no
effect. Grabbing him by the neck with both
hands, the monster lifts Malcolm off the
ground before strangling him to death. Taking advantage of
this distraction, Winifred escapes from the bedroom.
All that noise alerted Dr. Stein, too, who
finds Winifred, and they retreat to the
lab while Franken-Eddie moves from room to
room and kills all other patients.
Shuffling on, looking for his creators,
Franken-Eddie lumbers down the long spiral staircase, meaning he
should get to the lab in about two to
three hours.
In other words, movie, hurry the hell up.

Oh Mr.
Magical Movie Editor? A little
help please?

Wait ... Sonova -- THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!!
finds Winifred in the lab and attacks, we
discover it was a ruse, allowing Stein to grab him
from behind. But his dastardly creation
easily tosses him into the
electrical equipment, which promptly
short-circuits and electrocutes the good
doctor. Turning back on Winifred, the
monster closes in for the kill -- but at
the last second, the soundtrack turns all
syrupy as Franken-Eddie finally recognizes her and backs
off. Winifred reaches out and calls to
him, but the monster rejects her and angrily roars off in a rage
-- well, shuffles off in a rage ... Now,
if you're sniffing the end, here,
sorry -- you're smelling something a
little more malodorous as the film
prolongs our misery, when we suddenly cut
to a completely different house, where a
woman comes out and jumps into her
dune-buggy. What the? Yeah, but -- Who
the hell is this now?!? Aaarrrggghh!!
Of course the thing won't start, and the
thumping heartbeat on the soundtrack means
Franken-Eddie is somewhere nearby -- and sure
enough, there he is. After putting the
hypno-whammy on her, the monster carries
her off to parts unknown.
Back at Dr.
Stein's mansion, Detective Oblivious
and Sgt. Unaware find the lab a shambles,
Stein dead, and Winifred in shock.
Elsewhere, Eddie carries the mystery girl
to some warehouse, where she promptly
escapes and leads him on a merry chase
until the film reaches the required
90-minute running length. And finally, at
90-minutes and one second, the girl is
disemboweled just as the LA County Canine
Corps roars up and unleashes the Doberman
Gang. In due course, then, the Dobermans find
Franken-Eddie and
attack. And at 92-minutes and 37-seconds,
the dogs tear Franken-Eddie to shreds. And at
95-minutes and 45-seconds, Franken-Eddie's
thumping heart finally stops beating. And
at 97-minutes and 52-seconds, this film
finally comes to and end. And at
98-minutes and 3-seconds, my head
detonated all over my living room.
we, as the viewer, now that it's finally
over, realize the movie was
about 90-minutes and 50-seconds too long.
Sweet monkey-bajeebus but that was bad!
Whose fault was all this, I mean aside
from us, who were stupid enough to watch
this turgid turd-burger?
let's pick on the script and it's author,
Frank R. Saletri. By 1972, the
Frankenstein mythos was so engrained in
pop culture that you'd think there would
be no way a person could screw it up. We all
know that Frankenstein is the name of the
monster's creator -- not the monster
itself. Here, the monster is black but
"Blackenstein" is obviously
white. (Played by actor John Hart, whose only real claim to fame was
replacing Clayton Moore as the Lone Ranger
for a year.) And
I ain't even going to touch the bogus
science behind the super DNA and RNA
formulas. Saletri has insulted the audience
enough already. To
make matters worse, director William Levey
gets a little too arty-farty for his own
good. I don't know if he was trying to be
avant-garde -- or aping Hitchcock, or,
more likely, with all those shots of feet,
Jacques Tournuer -- but he failed
miserably. Too many bad camera angles, too
many low angle shots of nothing but feet,
too many fancy framed shots, and too many
shots of shadow-puppets. The
first few shots like this were laughable,
but that soon grows tiresome, which then
quickly becomes irritating, before degenerating to full blown annoyance. Levey
went on to gain more fame as a bad movie
director with The
Happy Hooker goes to Washington
and the truly odious Skatetown
Saletri, meanwhile, stuck with monster blaxploitation
and penned Black
the Ripper,
but hasn't been heard from since.
already made fun of the editor, Levey
again, and his
magical editing meat-cleaver but let's
continue, shall we? The film sets a record
with 1226 establishing shots of Stein's
mansion from the outside. I definitely see a heavy influence from Dark
here; the gothic soap opera that brought
monsters to daytime television. Now, if
you watch that show, you realize with
almost each seen change there is a quick
cut to the outside of Collinwood manor or
wherever the action is taking place. Blackenstein
is the same way, with a shot of the manor,
or a lightning crash -- right out of a
clear blue sky! -- for the transitions. And
that meat-cleaver reference isn't much of
a stretch as the film actually appears to
have been edited with a real meat cleaver
-- or some other, blunt instrument, and
then spliced back together with some
masking tape. Lot's and lot's of jarring
cuts, here, that gives the film a
schizophrenic feel that really doesn't
help things at all.
of multiple personalities ... If the editor
is a mad butcher that never allows you to
get a sense of time, then the soundtrack
mixer is a malevolent hack as well.
Bouncing around from funk to soul to
sampling riffs from some old horror
and sci-fi movies, most noticeably IT!
The Terror Beyond Space -- the
soundtrack is like
nails raking at a chalkboard. The music just
never seems appropriate anywhere in this
movie, either.
let's look at the mad scientist's
laboratory. The only thing that they did
do right was to dig up Kenneth
Strickfaden and borrow the equipment
used in the original Universal production.
Strickfaden had kept all the equipment in
his garage all that time, and Mel
Brooks would do the same thing for Young
a few years later. And we get to
see every single piece of equipment spark and
blink as the camera lingers on them for
eons and eons, filling up precious screen
time. Putting all of this equipment into a
Day-Glo colored room, and add to that a
wildly beeping-n-booping soundtrack, it
resembled less of a maniacal devil's
workshop and more like Muppet Labs --
where your future is being made today!
Hell, I kept expecting to see Dr. Bunsen
Honeydew detonating Beaker's head
somewhere in the background. Which
leads us to another pertinent question:
Why is the electrical equipment always
running during the operations? Is Stein
just showing off? Victor Frankenstein stitched
his patient together and then turned the
equipment on to imbue life into the dead.
Eddie, meanwhile, is alive and kicking, right? And only
getting some spare limbs attached. These
machines are overkill. You'd think with
all that electricity in the air the room
would turn stale, rancid, and start to
stink of burnt copper, ozone and, yes, the
air would even start to taste bad.
could go on about the film's pacing,
lighting, structure, acting, motivations,
and reasons for being ... but another
psychological defense mechanism is already
in full swing, as my brain beats all memories of
this film into a state of repression. So, if
this movie has taught us anything it's
that there is a huge difference between badly
inept and ineptly bad. To it's sole
credit, Blackenstein: The Black
Frankenstein does manage to accomplish
the one thing I thought was impossible:
the film is actually worse than that
asinine title would imply. Still, as the memories
of this movie fade to black, I will say
that Blackenstein
is by no means the worst movie ever made
-- but! I also cannot, in good conscious,
recommend seeing it to anyone.