open with a condemned man, his features
hidden behind a large golden mask, heading for
his just reward. Now, this strange and somewhat
hideous mask resembles
the one nailed onto Barbara Steele face in
meaning it's probably there for a reason,
and while
the guards remove the prisoner from his
cell and lead him through a seemingly
endless succession of corridors, the
credits start to roll...
I have to pause already to point out that
even though this film may look Italian,
and it may smell Italian, and it may be
dubbed horribly like it was Italian, but,
no, this gleefully gothic creepfest is of
German origins. Also,
the soundtrack doesn’t fit the action
very well at all, and sounds a lot like
the old Magic Organ 8-Track my
Grandma Shaw used to have and played, a
lot, which kinda
derails things -- for it's hard to be
frightened to the tune of "The
Beer Barrel Polka." Now, back to
the review already in progress...
the armed escort finally gets the prisoner out
into the courtyard, we see a hooded, ax-wielding executioner waiting
patiently; but we then pan over and
witness the condemned being secured to
four horses heading in four equally and
opposite directions. Obviously about to be
drawn and quartered, we barely have time
to wonder what the prisoner did to deserve such a
grisly fate before we crash-zoom over to
two observers; both with a keen interest in
these proceedings and have all the answers we
need. One of them is the judge who passed
sentence, while the other is the star
witness, whose testimony damned our doomed
prisoner to this current predicament. You
see, the
man about to be executed is the evil Count
Regula, who kidnapped and killed 12 young
girls at his secluded castle for some
nefarious purpose. And the witness was to
be the 13th victim before she escaped and
brought the hammer of justice down on our
mad villain. And now that it’s all over,
the judge thanks her again; for without
her, they would never have caught Regula
and proclaims his reign of terror is now
over. But
the witness takes no comfort from this,
and ominously fears this will
only be the beginning.
we get an answer as to what that cryptic
statement means, the executioner waves his
axe, the horses are whipped, the ropes
pull taught -- and we quickly jump ahead in
time as a singing minstrel tells the
bloody tale of Count Regula’s and his
horrible deeds complete with a slide-show. (Well,
of. He’s got paintings of the murders
and the Count’s execution.) A
small crowd has gathered to hear his
macabre song, and when he spots a man
disembarking from a coach and enter a
nearby building, the show is quickly
wrapped up. After night falls, when the
same man comes out of the building, the
peg-legged minstrel follows him around for
awhile, giving the Foley-man some work,
until finally catching up and asking the
man's name. Identifying himself as Roger
von Elise (Lex Barker), the
minstrel hands over a sealed envelope
and a promise that all the answers to the
lawyer's clouded past can be found inside.
find it odd that Barker, an American
actor, is also dubbed -- and so help me,
it sounds like the voice of Leonard
breaking the letter's wax seal, Roger
notices it bears a strong resemblance to
his own family crest. Once broken, inside
is an invitation to the Castle Andeline at
the behest of Count Regula. (But
isn’t he dead?) When Roger
asks the minstrel who really sent it, he
is startled to realize that while his nose
was in the letter, the cripple has mysteriously
vanished without a trace. Intrigued, he returns
to his office and tells his partner he’ll be leaving for a while ... We
then jump to another town, where the
minstrel is at it again, spreading the
nefarious legend of old Count Regula,
until spotting a lovely young woman and
her chambermaid watching him out of a
hotel window. Recognizing them, he then
pulls another, similarly sealed envelope
from his breast pocket.

then crash-cut again to Roger’s coach as it
races across the countryside, and when
they stop at the next town to feed the
horses, he asks around for directions to
the Castle Andeline. But the locals
quickly shy away (--
uh-oh), and the few that will talk
call Andeline
a cursed and evil place, and that the man who sent
him the invitation has been dead for over
35 years. When a
solemn religious procession marches past,
led by a monk bearing a cross, Roger asks
a local girl what the pilgrimage is all
about. Told it’s a ritual to
help keep evil spirits away, she also
adds the lead monk is the only one
who knows the way to Adeline. Catching up
with the parade, Roger quickly brings it to a
crashing halt to ask for directions. The
monk obliges but also notes the castle is
in ruins, and then warns the young man to
just stay away from that profane place as "A
great danger awaits you there." Another
priest, a Father Fabian (Vladimar
Medar), steps in, pokes fun at the
local zealots, and asks Roger
if he’s really going to Andeline because
that’s also where the Baroness Lillian
von Brabaut (Karin Dor) and
her maid, Babette (Christiane
Rucker), are headed. Seeing the
ladies in question as they load up on their own
coach and depart, the plot thickens when we recognize them as the
same women the minstrel was interested in.
he has a baptism to perform in the next
town, Fabian manages to hitch a ride
with Roger,
but with his uncouth demeanor, you get the
feeling this priest is not what he
appears to be ... Several miles outside of
town, when seven riders dressed in black pass them, Fabian refers to the mob as the
Seven Deadly Sins and fears they may be
robbers setting up an ambush. As the carriage
closer to Regula’s old haunts, we also
notice the slow deterioration of the
countryside from lush farmland to a
hellish landscape of swirling fog and dead
trees. And turns out Fabian was right, but
the robbers weren’t
after them -- they were after the
Baroness! Catching up, Roger and Fabian
manage to run the bandits off but not
before they kill the driver of the
women’s coach. But since they’re all going
to the same place, Roger offers the
services of his carriage.

here is where the movie starts to get
more interesting and really, really
the sun sets and the fog grows thicker,
the trail keeps getting worse, and so
does the scenery as the coachmen (Carl
Lange) starts to see
dismembered body parts littered about in
the tree branches; and when they
pass a tree where three ravens call out
his name, the rattled driver stops and
abandons the coach. Wanting to know why
they’ve stopped, the others spill out.
(Notice how all the body parts
are now gone.) Rounding
up the driver, who begs them to just
turn back -- seems that seeing three
ravens together on Good Friday
are a bad omen. (Plot point!) But
when Roger orders him to mount up,
the poor guy climbs back on and the trip
continues. (And I mean
"trip.") Inside
the coach, as the passengers complain
about the rough terrain they’re riding
over, when Fabian claims it must be tree
roots, we cut outside and see
that it’s not tree roots at all but DEAD
BODIES! the coach is bouncing
over. The driver doesn’t see this
either because he’s too busy looking
at the multitude of cadavers hung from
the trees.
And all of this proves too much for the
poor soul, who quickly succumbs to a
fatal heart attack and falls off the
the written word does not do this
sequence justice.
no one at the reins, the horses bolt,
shaking-up the passengers rather
violently. But after Roger pulls a nice
Yakima Kanutt maneuver, he manages to
get outside and stops the stampede.
Revolted by what he sees -- the entire
forest is filled with dead bodies,
hanging from the trees and littering the
road -- he asks Fabian to get out but
orders the women to stay inside. One of
the victims appears to be still alive,
and when the men rush to cut him down,
Roger notices several of the hanged
men are dressed like the bandits who
tried to rob Lillian. But upon closer
inspection, they are nothing but
skeletons. Then, from out of the fog, a
mysterious stranger slinks to the coach
and steals it -- with the girls still
inside! Whipping the horses on, they
disappear into the mist, leaving the men behind. They give chase on foot, but
quickly lose their way in the soup until
they hear a bell ringing. This leads
them to a cemetery where all the
gravestones read Regula, and then a
metal gate creaks open, revealing the
ruins of Castle Adeline. (Man,
this is some genuinely creepy stuff.)
through the gate, a cellar door opens up
revealing a set of stairs. When they
enter, the spiked door -- that looks like
the teeth of some great beast -- slams
shut behind them, and
in a sense, devours the two intruders. After a
few more phantom doors open and close,
herding them into a large chamber filled
with strange murals depicting all kinds of
torture and body-dismemberment painted on
the walls, another door opens allowing our
mysterious coach-thief to join the party.
After Anathol (Deiter Eppler)
introduces himself as the deceased
Count’s trusted servant, Roger demands
to know where the women are. Suddenly,
music fills the chamber and Anathol opens
another room, where we see the Baroness
playing an organ. When Anathol
announces they have guests, Lillian
doesn’t seem to remember them. Obviously
in some
kind of trance, she welcomes Roger and
Fabian to her castle, and, in her deluded
state, she mistakes a snake as a gift of
jewelry. Before Roger tears him apart,
Anathol admits that he drugged Lillian
after abducting her to calm her down.
And when a nervous Babette arrives with
drinks for everyone, she silently warns
Roger not to drink the wine before accidentally spilling Fabian's
glass onto the table. As the liquid eats
through the wood like the acid it
obviously is, a startled Fabian rips off
the preacher’s tunic and reveals his
true profession as dastardly highwayman (--
I knew it!), who had meant to rob
them all before the creepy butler got
involved. Now, pulling his two flint pistols, he
tries to bargain with Anathol but gets
nowhere as the servant takes the cup with
the deadly liquid and shot-guns the rest
of it -- and then laughs if off as he
herds Babette out of the room, the heavy
door slamming shut behind them.
we, as an audience, ask Okay ... What the hell’s going on, here?
the effects of the drug wearing off, Roger
tries to talk Lillian down. And while
Fabian sneaks off into another passage,
the other two take in one of Regula's
macabre murals depicting the horrible
murder of the 12 virgins; but it's the two
intact characters in the painting
that draws their attention the most. Resembling the
judge and the witness -- from way back at
the beginning, remember? -- the figures also bear an
uncanny resemblance to our couple. Before
they can explore further, Fabian comes
back, screaming that something awful is
happening to Babette, and leads them to
the locked door of a small chamber, where Babette is bound to the crossbeams of some
nefarious contraption inside, held upright by a
chain; and as water slowly drips into a
bucket, the increasing weight will
eventually release the chain and trigger
the deathtrap, causing the helpless girl
to fall onto a bed of spikes!

for Babette,
after a few tense moments, Fabian and
Roger manage to break in and save her
before she goes splat. But after releasing the
girl, the group is then herded deeper into
the castle, where the hallways quickly
becomes lined with skulls. Her nerves
shattered already, Babette turns back and
flees in terror. Fabian goes after her,
but Anathol
catches Babette first and tries to
strangle her. Catching up, Fabian
threatens to shoot. Again, Anathol only laughs at the
robber even after Fabian fires both
pistols. His aim is true, but both bullet
holes quickly heal themselves as Anathol
reveals that "You can’t hurt me.
I’ve been dead for years." With
that revelation, Fabian and Babette run
away -- in opposite directions. Meanwhile,
Roger and Lillian turn another corner and
find some vultures doing a number on some
fetid corpse. (Man,
this place is better than Disneyland!)
When Fabian catches up with them, a voice
calls from another chamber: the actual
torture chamber where Regula did his dirty
deeds -- and the
strange thing is, the murdered virgins are
still in there, and the corpses are
looking mighty pristine for being dead for
35 years.
Anathol is already there, waiting for
them, and reveals a glass sarcophagus.
Inside are the severed parts of the late
Count Regula, who left his servant orders
to resurrect him on this Good Friday. And being
a good servant, Anathol slits his wrist
and bleeds on the glass. But something
isn’t quite right, and he senses
something holy in the room, meaning
somebody is probably wearing a crucifix.
Lillian had one -- stress on the had,
because Fabian stole it. When Anathol
orders the bandit to leave or face the
consequences, right on cue, another door
opens and the cowardly Fabian beats feet
-- only to find himself trapped in a small
cell. And he isn't alone: the body of the
minstrel is in there with him.
the crucifix gone, Anathol continues the
blood rite, and after the corpse slowly snaps
back together, he rises from the coffin
and removes the mask, allowing us to
finally get a look at Count Frederick
Regula (Christopher
Lee). Turns out the Count
was/is an alchemist who discovered the
secret of immortality; and since the
formula involves a massive amount of
virginal blood explains away all the dead
bodies lying around. But what really makes
the elixir cook is that the women must be
in a highly frightened state before the
formula will be effective. (That’s
why he tortured them first.)
Needing the blood of a thirteenth virgin to
complete the formula and gain full
immortality, when the last victim escaped
his clutches, Regula managed to ingest
some of the incomplete batch before he was
caught and put to death, allowing him to
be resurrected for a short spell to
complete his work. Nodding to Anathol, he
reveals an hourglass and flips it over;
apparently, Regula has that much time to find another
virgin and gain immortality, and if he
fails, the Count takes a permanent
dirt-nap. As we've already guessed, Regula
then reveals that the judge who sentenced
him to death was Roger’s real father, and
the victim who escaped was Lillian's
mother. Vowing vengeance on everyone
involved with his trial and execution
(-- including their families),
Anathol obeyed this last request and
informs his master that everyone is dead
-- except for these two.
believe this explains the multitude of
dead bodies scattered around the castle
and all those back in the forest.
Anathol must have been busy guy. He got
sloppy, though, and was caught killing
someone and hanged for it. But he also
took some of the Count’s elixir, which
explains his zombie-like state and the
neck brace he wears.
that Lillian has been pegged to be the
13th victim, when Roger protests, he’s
dumped down a trap door. Drawing a knife,
Anathol herds the girl toward an iron
maiden until Regula stops him, saying
it’s not enough. She must be more
terrified. To
help work her into a tizzy, they tie Roger
to the floor below a swinging pendulum and
allow her to watch as it slowly lowers and
threatens to chop our hero in half. They
even let her escape, to try and help him,
but this was just another ruse so Anathol
can run her through a few more morbid
features of Castle Andeline. And as the
pendulum drops ever closer to Roger,
Lillian runs into more dead bodies,
vultures, spiders, scorpions and lizards,
and in an attempt to get away from them,
she runs across a narrow catwalk, but the
door at the other end won’t budge. From
above, Anathol lowers a light into the pit below
her, revealing a few more bodies and bunch
of deadly snakes; he then throws another
switch, causing the catwalk to withdraw
into the wall. Trapped, Lillian pounds on
the door as her foothold grows smaller and
smaller, and faints as the catwalk completely
disappears from underneath her -- but the
door opens before she slips and Anathol
catches her.
back under the pendulum, Roger manages to
free himself by knocking the blade off
course by throwing a rock at it. (Yeah,
I called "No way!" too.)
Fabian has also managed to escape his
cell, and they both head back to the main
torture chamber to rescue Lillian. But
they may already be too late as Regula’s
chemistry set is all a bubble, and Lillian
is finally ready. Just as Regula orders
Anathol to slit her jugular to get the
blood they need, Roger breaks in and
orders them to stop. But Regula throws a
switch and a portcullis* drops between
Portcullis ~ noun ~ a sliding
grille of iron or wood suspended in a
gateway or a fortified place in such a
way that it can be quickly lowered in
case of an attack.
The American Heritage Dictionary.

eternal victory within his grasp, Regula
is about to gloat until Anathol points out
that his chemicals have petered out. Why?
Because Roger has Lillian’s crucifix,
and it has rendered the evil equipment
powerless. With the hourglass almost
empty, Regula and Anathol writhe in pain
at the sight of the cross. And as Regula
pleads with Roger to get rid of it, he
gladly obliges by tossing the medallion onto the
chemistry set, which causes it to explode!
With his time up, both Regula and Anathol
keel over and disintegrate (--
the twelve virgin bodies also turn into
With the villains vanquished, Roger manages to get to Lillian but
Andeline is angrily coming apart at the
seams, and they barely manage to get
outside before it completely collapses.
finding Fabian and Babette safe, sound,
and waiting for them, they all pile into
the nearest carriage and leave this profane
and evil place far behind them.
of the Walking Dad
has got to be one of the creepiest movies
I’ve ever seen. In fact, it’s
downright disturbing. The plot is
pretty generic, and the acting is modestly
adequate -- except for Dieter Eppler's
Anathol, who was one of the vilest screen
heavies I've encountered in a good long
while; but what really sets this thing
apart are the incredible set-pieces and the eerie atmosphere it creates
somehow, manages to sustain for the entire
film. Obviously, Mario Bava's Black
and Roger Corman’s Poe pictures
had a heavy influence on German director
Harold Reinl -- probably most famous for
his Dr. Mabuse vehicles and cementing
the euro-western trend, who also helmed
several Edgar Wallace krimis before
hopping on the ancient astronaut bandwagon
in the 1970's with Chariots
of the Gods
and Bill Shatner's Mysteries
of the Gods.
I hesitate to call his work here
brilliant, but it took me a while to shake
this film the first time I saw it. And
just like Floyd Crosby and Danny Haller,
whose contribution to Corman's movies
can't be underestimated, a lot
of the credit for the lasting impression Castle
of the Walking Dead
makes must go to the film’s
cinematographer, Ernst Kalinke, and the
art and set-direction of Will Achtman and
Gabrielle Pellon, as I’ve never seen a
spookier gothic castle than Andeline. Then
again, the Germans were always good with
gothic horrors. (I’d love to see this
thing in letterbox to get the full-effect
of their work.) Picked up by Eddie Romero's
Hemisphere Pictures, the film was imported
to the states and released as Blood
on a double-bill with The
Mad Doctor of Blood Island.
full of many stunning visuals, none are greater than that scene of the carriage
approaching the castle, with all the dead
bodies scattered everywhere -- and as a point
of fact, if the movie
has one flaw, it’s that this
phantasmagorical sequence comes too early,
and though the rest of the film is creepy
enough, it just can’t top what happened
along that fog-enshrouded road.
I always find fascinating while watching one of
these foreign jobs is that thinking about
the film logically seldom works -- especially
when they lose something in the
translation. If something can’t be
translated, the distributor usually lets
it slide, allowing the horror to become
even more illogical. What this does
is mess up the logical progression of what
transpires -- or
what we believe to be a logical chain of
events if we got trapped in a gothic
castle with a homicidal madman. And if we
explain it, to me, the scarier the movie
becomes. If nothing else, it helps keep
the audience off balance.
film is a brief 75-minutes, but not a one
of them is wasted. Once the plot is laid
out, the dread builds until the climax.
Which is why I
highly recommend Castle
of the Walking Dead,
or whatever they're calling nowadays. So
track down a copy and prepare to be highly
entertained, but also brace yourselves to
be really and truly creeped out -- even
though the damned thing makes no sense