film wastes absolutely no time as the
first thing we see is Chesty Morgan’s
gargantuan hooters in frozen frame
behind the title card. We are then
"treated" to several extended
shots of Chesty stroking her giant mammary
glands (...great
googily-moogily!), distorted
by trick mirrors, as the credits roll by. (Oh,
yeah. I’m turned on. Yeah, baby. Ugh ...
Pardon me while I go find a sharp stick,
my eyes need some attention.) Mercifully,
the film proper begins someplace else,
well out of Chesty's range, with a knock
at that door. When Nick (Saul Meth)
answers, three men storm in and throw him
to the ground, and while Tony and Hook
kick the crap out of him, Larry (Richard
Towers) rifles the apartment,
obviously looking for something. Finding a
small appointment book, he secrets it into
a pocket and tells the others he found
nothing. With that, they leave the
bloodied Nick on the floor and encourage
him to get out of town -- or else!
returning home, Larry thumbs through the
stolen book and finds a number. He then
calls a Mr. Matty and demands $100000 --
or the appointment book gets it. (No,
wait, that’s not right.) And
if this extortion fee isn't paid, he will
reveal the trappings of the mysterious
"Interstate Deal" to the cops.
Message delivered, Larry hangs up and retires to
the bedroom, where his girlfriend, Crystal
(Chesty Morgan -- here billed as
Zsa Zsa), is just waking up,
climbs into bed, and mounts Mount
Morgan, both of them, and they start doing
the horizontal bop. But the film
providentially spares us the gory details (--
thank you lord!), and after
the deed, Larry goes for a walk while
Crystal takes a bath ... As we
jump between shots of Crystal in the
bathtub, washing her breasts (--
losing the soap), and Larry
walking around, talking to himself (--
we know he’s talking to himself because
his dialogue has reverb), he
complains about how his boss always gets
the money, while he takes all the risks;
but with this double-cross he’s pulling,
he'll soon be set up for life. Unfortunately
for Larry, though, his life expectancy just
got a lot shorter and is about to peter out...

I miss Joe Bob Briggs. And
what does this have to do with Deadly
you ask? Hang on, and all will be
in day, this tall, laconic good old boy,
who used to give us Andy
Sidaris flicks on Joe
Bob’s Drive-In Theater for The Movie
Channel, and later, while guzzling down
gallons of Old Milwaukee, the worst films
in TNT’s library on Monstervision,
has been off the air and out of the
limelight for quite awhile now. His
programs used to be a staple of late
Saturday night viewing; my favorite had to
be the dusk to dawn Friday the 13th
marathon -- or Godzilla Night. Let
go about the same time that Mystery
Science Theater got cancelled,
even though Monstervision was in a
bad downward spiral anyway, due to a
programming department that for some
unfathomable reason thought Look
Who’s Talking Too qualified as a
monster movie (--
God? Save us from TV programmers, and once
again I plead with TNT to bring back this
and 100% Weird --),
these were dark days for the B-movie fan.
Briggs' newsletter, We Are the Weird,
also died about this time that I had
subscribed to, and even got a
letter printed and a written reply from
the man himself. And
nothing, but nothing, has stepped up to
fill that void. So if you're reading this,
Joe Bob, write another book, do another
DVD commentary -- or better yet, get back
on the air. Come back. Please. We need

brings us back to Deadly Weapons.
You see, the main reason I rented this ...
thing was because Joe Bob was on
the cover of the rental box. On the back,
the synopsis of the film, that promised a
woman gaining revenge by smothering the
gangsters who wronged her with her giant
boobies, was totally secondary. Well, a
close second. Anyway, I’ve been at this
for far too long to be suckered in by a
wild synopsis like that. Well, most of the
time ... Okay, it happens to me a lot. But
a good rule of thumb should always apply: If it sounds to
good to be true, it usually is. (Rule
#354 in bad film watching.)
video opens at an abandoned drive-in
where Joe Bob falls out of his trusty
Grand Torino and mourns the passing of
these vanishing American icons. In 1956,
he says, there were over 12,000 drive-ins
in America. 95% of them are now gone, but
he plans to keep the drive-in alive by
releasing a series of videos under the
blanket umbrella of Joe
Bob Briggs presents the Sleaziest Movies
in the History of the World. Deadly
Weapons came out in 1990, with the
claim that there will be 1,000 of them in
total, and a promise that they'd all be done by 2016.
I would like to believe him, but alas I
don’t think this will come to fruition. Bad
Girls go to Hell,
also helmed by Deadly Weapons' director,
Doris Wishman, a bona fide pioneer in
the cinematic nudist movement, who we'll
be discussing later, is the only other
title in the series that I could get my
hands on. Does anybody know if there were
any others? Or what they might be?
our opening continues after Joe Bob
stumbles into the projection booth, where
he gives us some background info on the
film’s stars, director, and plot, and
then cranks up the film after giving us
the Drive-In Totals on his 3-B scale:
Blood, Breasts, and Beasts. And I think
Chesty counts for at least two out of
three, there, but believe me, you're still
gonna need some beer to make it through
this feature. So consider yourself warned,
and crack open another brew, as we now
rejoin or review already in progress...

Mr. Matty again, Larry arranges for a
meeting to get the payoff. He then joins
Crystal for breakfast, and as they eat,
she wants to know if Larry will ever make
an honest woman out of her. Seems she’s
tired of being his mistress and wants to
be his wife. Larry then breaks a Cardinal
B-Movie sin by promising that after this
one final job, maybe, just maybe, he'll
have enough money to give her the life she
desires. Before leaving for work, Larry
gives the coveted book to Crystal and
tells her to hide it in a safe place until
he gets back. When he turns belligerent
after she gets curious as to what the book
contains, Crystal withdraws the question
and quietly locks it in a dresser drawer
-- because no one'll look in there, right?
to play it cool, Larry pretends its
business as usual as he rounds up Tony (Harry
Reemes -- yes, THAT Harry Reems) to
meet their boss. Now, we don’t get to
see the boss's face, but easily notice a
cross cut into the back of his hand. Angry
about their failure the night before, he
sends his goon-squad back to Nick's
apartment to find Mr. Matty's appointment
book -- and if he doesn't cough it up,
Nick is to be eliminated ... Turns out Nick
isn't home, but the two hoods catch up to
him as he desperately tries to escape down
the back stairwell. After he's beaten to a
pulp again, Nick confesses that the book
is in a certain desk drawer. And since
Larry searched that desk the night before
and claims to have found nothing, Tony is
a little confused. Larry offers the
desperate man is lying just to save his
hash. Tony mulls it over, then
sadistically stabs Nick in the guts until
he is dead.

having sniffed out his partner's
double-cross, Tony calls the boss, who
tells him to kill Larry -- and to do it
fast. That
evening, as she cries over her layouts (--
since she’s a famous advertising
executive. Whatever --), Crystal's
phone rings. Its Larry, who asks if she
wants to get married and honeymoon in
Hawaii. She's happy to hear the news, but
before he can go into the details, Larry
says there’s somebody at the door. (A
funny segment as he says this and THEN
hears a knock at the door.) Over
the phone, Crystal hears two men enter the
room (--
it’s Hook and Tony), and
then Larry gets plugged by a starter
pistol and falls dead. After which, the
two killers go into a clumsy,
plot-specific conversation, loudly
identifying themselves, so Crystal can
hear and know who they are and where
they're going, as Tony tells the one-eyed
Hook to go to Vegas -- and to stay out of
the strip-clubs! -- while he goes to
Miami. On the other end of the line, after
Crystal hears the door shut, it finally
sinks in and she starts screaming.
short time passes, and Crystal is flooded
with fond memories of Larry (--
memories that keep overlapping and don’t
make a lick of sense). As the
rising tide of emotions builds to a fever
pitch, Crystal decides to avenge her lover
the only way she knows how -- with her (--
dramatic pause --) DEADLY
only with the knowledge that one of the
killers has one-eye and likes to hang
around strip clubs, Crystal heads to Vegas
and gets a job as a stripper. (She
has no experience, but the club owner is
really impressed with her *ahem* talents.)
And after a couple of padded burlesque
sequences, where Crystal struts her stuff (--
and frankly, her routine is about as
seductive as a drunken beaver in heat,
trapped in a burlap bag and doing the
watusi --), she finally spots a
one-eyed man and they wind up back in his
hotel room. Pumping him for information on
Tony's whereabouts in Miami, once she gets
it, Crystal slips a Mickey Finn into
Hook's drink, and while he falls into a
stupor, she then strips off her top and
proceeds to smoother him with her gigantic

history, folks. Screen history.
quest for vengeance halfway done, Crystal
jumps the next plane to Miami and tracks
Tony to the Belmar Hotel, where he's
sunning himself in a chair next to the
pool. When Crystal plop-plops (--
yes, you read that right --) down
beside him and tries to make small talk,
he ignores these obtrusions the best he
can. Later, Tony and his very jealous
girlfriend, Eve (Denise Purceli),
go to the hotel bar. Still on his tail,
Crystal plop-plops right down beside them
and makes a general nuisance of herself.
Of course, Eve thinks the philandering
Tony is involved with this large-chested trollop
and leaves in a snit. Following her back
to their room, as Eve packs to leave, Tony
turns on the charm and calms her down.
Then, for some reason, Eve tells
Tony that she overheard his phone call
with the boss about the hit on Larry, and
he replies by calmly taking off his tie
and strangling her with it. Leaving
Eve’s body on the floor, he exits...
suddenly, he’s in Crystal’s room. (The
hell?) She tries to be seductive
again (-- god bless her --) as
she drugs his drink. (Where does
she hide the drugs? Why in her cleavage,
of course.) After
Tony succumbs to the drug, she first goes
into her siren dance of death again, and
then promptly smothers him.
revenge now complete, Crystal returns home
and goes to her father’s house, where
she makes a full confession about the past
few day's events, including the mysterious
appointment book. She knows it must have
something to do with Larry’s death and
plans to turn it over to the police.
Taking all this in, dad thinks it’s a
fantastic story and asks if she still has
the book. When she nods a yes, it's still
in the dresser, he tells her to go home
and get some sleep, and then he’ll take
her to the police station in the morning. (Anyone
else see where this is going? Everyone?
that night, when Crystal hears someone
mucking around in her house, turning on
the lights reveals her father breaking
into the dresser. We then see he has a
cross cut into his hand. (So he was
the big boss all along?) When
Crystal starts to dial up the cops,
Pops pulls a gun and tells her to stop.
But she continues to dial, saying "You
wouldn’t shoot me."
then shoots her right between the boobs. (How
in the hell could he miss them!?)
Crystal slumps to the floor, dear old dad
turns his attention back the dresser. From
somewhere, Crystal produces another gun (--
and did she have that hidden in her
cleavage as well? --) and fatally
shoots her father in the ass. After he
falls dead, in a scene of strong pathos (*snicker*),
Crystal drags herself over to her
father’s body (*snort*),
and expires over the top of him. Awwww,
that’s so sad. Excuse me a sec...
I said before, Doris Wishman was a
ground-breaking filmmaker, and this repute
was well earned and went far beyond her
gender. Sure, her films were amateurish
and not necissarily all that good, but the
"female version of Ed Wood" got
'em made, adapted with market, and got
them in the can and out in circulation
with startling regularity. Born with an
apparent itch for show business, the
diminutive Wishman at first wanted to be
an actress, but when that didn't pan out,
and after her first husband passed away, a
relative offered her a job as a secretary
for his film-distribution company in
Miami. Quickly moving up to booking-agent,
and then advertising and promotions,
Wishman then began entertaining the notion
of making her own films. And when the
courts decided that nudity in and of
itself was not indecent, Wishman found her
niche, hit up her relatives for funds, and
with no clue as to how to make a movie,
wrote, directed, and produced Hideout
in the Sun, where a couple of bank
robbers on the lam take refuge in a
convenient nudist camp.
the moral bedrock of the Hayes Code
showing a few cracks in its foundation,
Wishman pressed on and tested the censors
further with Nude on the Moon,
which helped move the Nudies out of the
summer camps and into everyday life -- or
in this case, outer-space, even though it
was still banned in several states for
going to far. As the Nudies gave way to
the more explicit Roughies, Wishman went
with the breeze and turned out the likes
of Bad Girls Go to Hell and A
Taste of Flesh that amped up the
violence and degradation, and added a
lurid, lesbian overtone that only added to
the awfulsomeness of these scurvy sleaze-noirs.
When the '60s gave way to the '70s, and
soft-core went hard, Wishman followed
suit, but according to legend, always left
when the sex-scenes were filmed for The
Love Toy and The Amazing Transplant,
and often used a pseudonym: Louis
Silverman, Dawn Whitman, and Doris
Chasnick. Soon tired of the formula,
Wishman's next project aimed a little
higher. Inspired by The Godfather,
and combining it with the payback motifs
in Death Wish, all she needed was a
star to pull off her gonzoidally offbeat
tale of vengeance.

Morgan, born Lillian Wilczkowsky, came to
America from Poland by way of Israel in
the late '60s. Her 73-32-26-inch frame
made her a big hit in the burlesque
houses, where she also drew the attention
of Wishman; who earlier had made a film
with another famous stripper, Blaze Starr.
But it was hardly a match made in heaven;
it seems the director and star butted
heads quite frequently while making Deadly
Weapons, because Wishman felt the
starlet was unprofessional. With the
acting ability somewhere between
Anna Nicole Smith and a cinder block, one
can empathize, and you'll laugh as Chesty
desperately tries to avoid staring into
the camera while she fondles her massive
trademarks, explaining why she spends half
the movie staring at any convenient wall.
And you'll laugh again as the cameraman
struggles to keep both her face and her
bosoms in the frame together. Chesty’s
character was also dubbed, and badly, to
hide her thick Polish accent. Still, the
padded scene where she keeps calling the
front desk to see if Mr. Hook has checked
into the hotel is a priceless piece of
trash cinema.
all the headaches, Wishman did use Chesty
again for the more infamous Double
Agent 73,
where Chesty has a spy-camera implanted in
her breast, and only has a certain amount
of time to complete her mission before the
device will explode. And there was an
unofficial sequel, The Immoral Three,
where Wishman cashes in on Charlie's
Angels by having the daughters of
Chesty's character from Double
Agent 73
avenge her death in the line of duty. But
having had enough of Morgan, Wishman used
a double, that was about as convincing as
Lugosi's in Plan Nine from Outer Space,
until the character was knocked off.
going to say it right now: there is
absolutely nothing sexy or erotic at all
about Chesty Morgan’s 73-inch breasts.
The one word I can think of to describe
them is simple enough, and that word is grotesque.
Looking like an Adobe Photoshop
manipulation that’s come to life and
gone horribly, horribly wrong, these twin
dreadnaughts sag past her navel, and her
varicose veins are plainly visible. When
not naked, she looks like a frumpy old
woman, tottering around on six-inch
platform shoes -- and, in fact, it's
almost worse when she has clothes
on! Teetering around constantly, the woman
honestly appears to be perpetually on the
verge of toppling over. And since nudity
is the only thing going for this movie,
unfortunately, most of the nudity will
have you averting your eyes. Watching
Chesty is like watching a train wreck. You
can’t help but look, but after a while,
your conscience gets the better of you and
you stop, rub your eyes, and look away as
you realize you’re not very proud of
the other actors are just as bad, and
coupled with the skanky incidental mood
music, nonsensical editing, and quantum
leaps in plot logic, Deadly Weapons
will send your brain into vapor-lock long
before the twist ending. And while the
film isn't the sleaziest movie in the
world -- it does have some camp value --
you can still occasionally catch a whiff
of urine emanating from it. My advice is
to get a running start and get blasted
before viewing, or you won’t make the
end. And allot yourself at least one
half-hour of bathing time after viewing to
get the stench off.
for Wishman, after turning out the controversial
transgender flick, Let Me Die a Woman, her
career pretty much petered out by 1978.
And when she and her films experienced a
brief novelty-renaissance in the '90s,
Wishman was always frank about her place
as a female pioneer in exploitation
never thought of myself as a woman
director. I just didn't think about it.
I wanted to work and make movies. As I
always said: Not Eastmancolor, but
Wishman blood. And when I die, I will
make films in hell."
Can't wait to see them.