in a cemetery on a dark and foggy night, amongst
the broken and crooked tombstones, we
viewers spy
a shrouded figure in red entering the crypt of
circus and sideshow operator, Hyrum Stokely
(Boris Karloff). Summoning
the old shyster from his coffin, turns out
visiting specter is the ghost of his wife,
Cicely (Susan Hart), who
preceded him in death by over thirty
years. Obviously, Hyrum is very happy to see
her again -- until
informed that he's deceased, too. And the
news only gets worse from there because the only chance
the recently departed has to get into heaven, and be with
his beloved for all eternity, is to perform a good
deed from beyond the grave. Seems that
the years Hyrum had managed to swindle and
steal a small fortune, and, convinced that his
unscrupulous attorney, Reginald Ripper (Basil
Rathbone), will try and keep all the
money for himself, for his good deed,
Hyrum will make sure that the money goes
to the rightful heirs of those he screwed
over in life.
Powers that Be have a few ground
rules for the recently deceased doing good
deeds; the stickler being that Hyrum can’t leave
the crypt. (By
this time, Karloff wasn’t moving very
fast so this plot convenience is both understandable and forgivable.) Not
a problem: whatever calls for a
supernatural intervention, Cicely will
take care of it. With that obstacle
cleared, Hyrum
then gazes into his fully functional
crystal ball and introduces us to his
three heirs: two youngsters, Chuck
Phillips and Lily Norton (Tommy
Kirk and Deborah
Walley), and his only living
relative, an old crackpot named Myrtle Forbush (Patsy Kelly),
as they make their way to his secluded
mansion for the reading of the will. He
also spies Ripper conspiring with J.
Sinister Hulk (Jesse White)
to bump them all off and take the loot,
confirming Hyrum's worst suspicions of the
crooked lawyer...

big a financial gamble as American
International Pictures took with the House
of Usher, it took an even bigger
monetary risk by
backing its first teenage-fueled, surfside
romp-n-stomp, Beach
Party. When
Hammer Films introduced vibrant Technicolor
to their gothic horror revival in 1957
with The
Curse of Frankenstein,
the writing was on the wall and AIP's old
B&W double-bills just weren't gonna
hack it anymore. This led, of course, to
Roger Corman and Richard Matheson's first
picture based on Edgar Allen Poe's The
Fall of the House of Usher -- a gamble,
to be sure, but with Hammer paving the
way, there was already a built in and
proven audience for horror pictures to
help hedge the bet. Not so for William
Asher's cinematic brainstorm about 10,000
kids with 5000 beach blankets and what
they did on them when the sun went down,
the moon came out, and the water got too
cold to surf.
proves that AIP won both of those bets, as
both films would spawn lucrative
franchises that would run their course
over the next few years with a combined
dozen or so sequels and spin-offs. But by
1965, each series was running on fumes and
running out of ideas -- until someone got
the brilliant notion to try and combine
the dissimilar genres into one motion
picture to squeeze-out just a little more
money before the terminal cash-cows
finally went belly-up. The end result, The
in the Invisible Bikini was
Blanket Bingo than
Pit and the Pendulum,
and honestly, the only thing the Poe-cycle
contributed was some left over sets and
props. However, at this point, despite all
efforts to reunite them one last time,
Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello both
said thanks but no thanks. Also gone were
director William Asher and scriptwriters
Robert Dillon and Leo Townsend, replaced
with future Batman
TV director Don Weis and former Ernie
Kovac's gagman, Lou Heyward, and Edward
Ullman, who wrote a ton of Three
Stooges shorts. And if that type of
slapstick and absurdist comedy doesn't
appeals to you, you might as well stop
reading right now.
you're still with us, their end results,
tentatively titled Beach Party in a
Haunted House, turned out to be such
an incoherent mess that a drastic decision
was made to blow the whole thing up for a
massive re-edit, and, to top that off,
additional scenes were shot -- namely the
entire subplot of Cicely's ghost helping
out Hyrum -- to try and salvage it. That's
right: the actual ghost in the invisible
bikini came about completely after the
film was in the can! Actress Susan Hart
was brought in, donned a black bikini, and
spent several days shooting with Karloff
in the crypt (--
the entire opening sequence in the
graveyard was lifted wholesale from The
Haunted Palace),
but spent the majority of her time
cavorting around a black backdrop;
destined to be superimposed into the
finished footage in a desperate attempt to
explain away all the plot-holes and inconsistencies.
it work? Well, judge for yourselves...

the three unsuspecting heirs meet at
Stokely’s allegedly haunted
mansion, after Ripper escorts them all inside, Myrtle
tries to perform a séance; but as she
tries to contact Hyrum, they're
interrupted by a flying knife -- that
barely misses Lily’s head! A note
attached to the blade reads: "Those
who remain tonight won’t live to see
tomorrow." That’s
enough for Lily, who tries to leave, but
Chuck talks her into staying by reminding
her if any recipient isn't present at the
reading of the will, they forfeit their
share. And since the will is to
be read later, at the stroke of midnight,
with time to kill -- maybe that's a
bad choice of words -- the group tries the séance
again, but this time a falling chandelier
almost crushes them.
was Hulk who threw the knife out of one
of the mansion's many secret doors and
passageways, but it was the
eavesdropping Cicely who
accidentally jarred the chandelier
loose. I think. Anyways...
each passing calamity and near miss, Chuck
grows more suspicious that someone must be trying to
scare them off -- and doing a good job of
it, too, according to Lily. Then their attention is drawn
outside, where a large, double-decker bus
crammed with displaced beachniks loudly
invades the mansion -- including
Myrtle’s nephew, Bobby (Aaron
Kincaid), his girlfriend, Vicki
(Nancy Sinatra), the Bob
Fuller Four (-- all together now
-- "I fought the law and the -PAUSE-
law won…") and about fifty
others, who hit the pool, as we get our
first song so the jerks can do The Monkey.
of monkeys, the rest of Hulk’s henchmen
-- Chicken Feather (Benny
Dubin), Yolanda (Bobbi Shaw)
and Monstro, her pet gorilla -- are lost
out on the road, somewhere, and can’t find
Stokely’s mansion. (Monstro is
played by Ro-Man,
himself, George Barrows -- in the same
gorilla costume destined to be used in American
International's Konga.)
And when they
cross paths with the dastardly Erik Von Zipper (Harvey
Lembeck) and his outlaw biker gang of
and Mice, they all wind up in a lake (--
ask). After Yolanda saves him from
drowning, Von Zipper falls madly in love with
her and decides to follow the blonde to the
ends of the earth -- but at a safe
distance, since she clearly doesn't want
anything to do with him.
at the mansion, as Chuck and Lily form a
mutual partnership to watch each other’s
back in the garden, outside at the pool,
after a rousing game
of Ring-a-ma-thing
it'll be bigger than the hula-hoop! And
could this
be the first case of blatant product
placement in film? --)
winds down, Ripper
introduces Bobby to his daughter, Sinistra
(Quinn O’Hara), and
Sinistra's deep cleavage and good looks are matched only by
her evil intentions. Luring Bobby into the
mansion for an arsenic highball, luckily
for him,
without her glasses, she’s as blind as a
bat, and with a little help from Cicely,
Sinistra inadvertently feeds the toxic
concoction to a suit of armor. (Whose
screams sound suspiciously like the giant
arachnid in Earth
vs. the Spider.)
night falls, Von Zipper and his gang
clandestinely follow Hulk and his cronies through a
secret entrance into the mansion.
Elsewhere, as they're still wondering
around the
Stokely’s old
butler (Francis
X Bushman) tries to
warn the young heirs of Ripper's
treachery, they think he’s just
trying to scare them off, too. And as soon as
they’re gone, Ripper silences him
forever ... With
midnight fast approaching, the myopic
Sinistra blows yet another attempt to cull
Bobby from the herd and kill him. And
while The Bob Fuller Four serenades
the lonely Vicki by the pool, a storm
whips up, chasing everyone inside, just as
the clock strikes twelve. When the heirs gather,
Ripper breaks the seal, and according to the will,
Stokely’s fortune is to be split equally
among them. However, there's a catch:
nobody knows where the money is, and their
only clue is that it's somewhere inside
the mansion and to "Look to the
prince of love." Being it’s so late,
before they start tearing up the mansion, Ripper suggests that they
all turn in and get a fresh start in the
morning. After the rest agree and head off to bed,
Ripper opens a secret room and then, well
-- rips
into his hired help for not doing their
job. Overhearing all of this, Von Zipper
plots to find the loot for himself.
Chuck and Bobby decide to bunk together, Hulk tries
several times to scare them off; but each
time, only Bobby
sees him. And as his friend helplessly
spazzes out, Chuck leaves to
check on Lily. After he's gone, his nerves
already shattered, Bobby
finds another monster in his bed and freaks
out so bad he wakes everyone else up. (One
should note that the
monster is one of Larry
Buchanan’s the the Eye Creatures making
a cameo appearance.) Meanwhile,
in the rain, Monstro escapes his cage and
makes his way inside, where Chuck is trying
to calm everyone down. Swearing that his
bunkmate just had a bad nightmare, after he convinces
everyone else to go back to bed, Chuck is
talked into at least calling the police by
a desperate Bobby. When he leaves to find a
phone, alone again, Bobby barely escapes
Monstro’s attack.

however, isn’t so lucky. Caught alone in
her bedroom, she faints, and then Monstro carries her off into a secret
passage that leads down into Hyrum's
basement, where his ghastly Chamber of Horrors awaits.
Also managing to tunnel his way into the
dungeon while looking for the lost loot,
Von Zipper mistakes Monstro for another wax display
dummy and yanks out some hairs to prove to
the others its a fake. As Von Zipper realizes
his error too late, the ape goes berserk; and as his gang
scatters, their Leader runs for his life
with the gorilla hot on his leather-booted
heels. (Try
giving him the finger! No! Not that
Hulk, Chicken Feather and Yolanda are
convinced that the mansion really is
haunted -- and it truly is, because Cicely
has been foiling all their assassination
attempts and playing tricks on them all
day. But when they try to leave, Ripper
and his revolver force them to stay.
Herding them toward the secret passage
entrance to investigate all the
noises downstairs, they trip the door and head down -- not realizing
Bobby saw and heard the whole thing.

in the basement, the bad guys find Lily
just as she wakes up. They bind and gag
her, and then lash her to a log on an old
sawmill display with a working buzz-saw.
Once she's secured, Ripper throws the
switch, dispatching the girl to her doom!
And as she slowly inches closer to the
blade, Chuck, Bobby and the others find
the dungeon. At first, Ripper and the others try to
pass themselves off as wax dummies until
Bobby discovers that one of them is
breathing, and then the inevitable
slapstick fight breaks out ... As the battle
goes back and forth, the gears on the
buzz saw ride are switched from forward to
reverse about fifty times. Luckily, with
some inadvertent help from Sinistra, the
bad guys are thwarted, Lily is saved in
the nick of time, and the money is found
with Cupid’s statue pointing the way. (Eureka!
Look to the Prince of Love.)

Ripper pulls a gun, thinking if he can't have the
money -- then no one can. But Cicely plugs
the barrel just as he fires, and the gun
explodes, sending Ripper to his great
reward. And with that,
Hyrum Stokely accomplishes his good deed and gets
to go to heaven with Cicely. Everybody
becomes friends, the band sets up in the
dungeon and begins to wail, and then the
monkeys do The Jerk as the credits
despite the imminent, camp-induced
cerebral hemorrhage, I will now attempt to
spill my thoughts about this film through my
keyboard without throwing a neural rod. (Oy!
This is going to hurt.) The
in the Invisible Bikini was
the seventh and, with the disappointing
box-office returns, the last of American
International's Beacy
Party movies. Don't get me wrong, I
like the movie a lot -- hell, I admit to
liking all of AIP's Beach Party canon with
no shame whatsoever -- but the sad thing
is, it could have been a lot better. The
terror the promotional material promises is
practically non-existent
and the comedy is very low-brow; but you
can see the beginnings of a campy style
that was about to explode on TV with a
certain caped crusader, and is well worth
your time if you have a penchant or the patience for such things.
I said before, Frankie and Annette were
long gone and their replacements, Tommy
Kirk, and the quite possibly too cute for
words Deborah Walley, aren't given a whole
lot to do, and therefore, are remarkably
absent for the majority of the film. In
fact, Walley's longest contribution was
her Perils
of Pauline riff on the buzzsaw ride
during the climax. Making up for their
absence is the return of one of my
favorite characters, Erik Von
Zipper. I tell ya, Harvey Lembeck's odd combination of Brando’s Wild
One and all Three Stooges never
fails to crack me up. I especially love the way he's
always yelling and smacking his gang
around, and how he always manages to give
himself the finger. (No,
not that finger, the Himalayan Suspenders
Treatment Finger.) And between him,
Karloff, Rathbone, Kelly and the other,
older players, they all appear to be having more fun
than their younger co-stars. But
the real star of the film is Stokely’s
Mansion, with its intricate design and
myriad secret passageways that director Weis put to good use.
If I
ever win the lottery, it’s a sure bet
that my Casa de Romper Room will be
filled with trapdoors, sliding panels and
a Chamber of Horrors -- complete
with damsel and buzz-saw ride.
was always an integral part of any Beach
movie, and the tunes in Ghost
aren't all that bad as The Bob Fuller
Four joins The Pyramids and The
Hondells by doing a competent job of
filling Dick Dale and the Del-Tone's
shoes. Still a few months away from her
big hits, Nancy Sinatra chimes in with "Geronimo"
-- but Quinn O’Hara steals her thunder
with a sexy and sultry rendition of "Don’t
fight it Baby" while trying to
seduce Kincaid.
all those ingredients into a tumbler, the
resulting mixed-drink is tasty enough but
just seems to be missing something. And
with each swig, you have to wonder
if Hulk, Yolanda
and Chicken Feather were former,
disgruntled circus employees of Stokely.
Was the man an avid hunter? as each room
in the house has about five dead animals
in it, which really gets weird when you
remember he used to run a circus. GAH! And just where the
hell did Monstro go, anyway? And then the room starts to go dark as
I chuckle at all the sniping Karloff lays
on Rathbone. Luckily
for you, my brain has slipped it’s
clutch and I’m just grinding gears now.
As for AIP, they quickly popped the clutch
and switched gears, rather drastically,
when only a few months later they took
another gamble that paid off with the
release of The
Wild Angels,
and officially closed the book on the
beach and turned in their surfboards and
bikinis for some chrome and hot leather.