seen House of Death
once before, it was with much trepidation
that I dislodged the tape from the rental
case, hesitantly pushed it in the VCR, and
pressed play --
and then quickly jumped out of the way in
case my VCR remembered it, too, and spat
it back out at me.
Then, as the machine wheezed to life and
fought like hell to bring the old tape
into a tracking groove, the production
company told me it was proud to present House
of the Dead
and I began to scribble down my first
notes when -- waitasecond ... The
of what?
quick scan search confirmed my suspicions:
I had the wrong tape. Grabbing the rental
box, it was labeled House
of Death
but the regurgitated tape was labeled House
of the Dead.
Obviously, the rental store had a snafu,
and so, after a long string of
profanities, I put the tape back in the
case and went to find my shoes.
if you listen real close, you can hear
more profanities as I clump up the
stairs, and then follow the footsteps
into the bedroom. The bed creaks while I
put my shoes on. More footfalls. The
side door slamming. A car starts and a
94 Olds backs out of a driveway. Then,
an eerie silence comes over the House of
Me. Twenty minutes later, the Olds pulls
back into the driveway. The door opens
again, followed by more profanities
pertaining to the ancestry of the clerk
at the video store. Twelve thumps down
the steps. A slight crack as the rental
case is popped open. A mechanical whir
as the VCR takes the tape and a fidgety
tap as a finger fumbles and finds the
play button.
try this again...

a late summer evening, an ominous full
moon shines upon the railroad tracks
somewhere deep in the heart of Dixie.
Away, away, we pan over a railroad bridge,
and then drop below to find Ted and Angie (Larry
Sprinkle and Penny Miller) making
out on a motorcycle. And although the
position they’re trying wouldn’t even
work on a king-size bed, the couple seem
bound and determined to try while
balancing on the handlebars. This amorous
mood is abruptly broken, however,
when Ted gets his manhood stuck in his
zipper, bringing the festivities to a
screeching halt. (Ouch!)
While he disengages, Angie laments her
disappointment that Ted refuses to use the
"L" word. To make up for this,
he says the Midnight Special is almost
due, and, if they time it out right,
promises her a night she’ll never
forget. From out of the darkness a whistle
blows, confirming the train is right on
time. And as the Midnight Special roars
above them, rattling the trestle to its
foundation, we pan back down and hear the
couple going at it, hot and heavy, over
the noise. But we soon realize what
we’re hearing are not sounds of pleasure
but sounds of distress! We then focus to
see the couple’s heads are now tied
together, facing each other. We also hear
something lethal cutting into their
bodies. And judging from the copious
amounts of blood coming out of their
mouths, the job's almost done. Then, after
the train clears the bridge, the killer
dumps both the bodies and the bike into
the river. And as the bloody corpses
tumble in the current, the opening them
cranks up and the credits roll over the
top of them...
when this Casio-fueled power ballad
kicks in, concluding our opening
sequence, it almost coaxes you into stopping
this insanity right now by ejecting the
tape. Why are we so mad? Well, thanks to
some real bad editing and day for night
filtering, you’re not quite sure what
in the heck just happened. The couple
might have been stabbed, or they might
have been tied to the tracks and run
over by the train -- though I doubt
that, or they would have been torn to
pieces -- or, hell, they might have been
attacked by some rabid possums. Who
knows? Unfortunately, the preceding
sequence has set the tone for the entire
movie. E'yup: it's one jumbled mess.
*sigh* Once more into the breech, dear
next morning, Sheriff Avery (William
T. Hicks) heads to the local
grocery store to talk with the owner. Seems Ted was an
employee there and his folks are worried
because he and Angie didn’t come home
last night. Alas, his boss hasn't seen
them, either, but tells Avery to tell
Ted he’s fired as soon as they're found.
However, when Lily (Susan Kiger),
another employee, drops a case of RC Cola
on the floor, after chastising her
inherent clumsiness, the owner tells Avery
to forget about the whole firing thing and to
beg Ted to get back to work as soon as
possible. On the way out, Avery rousts
a youngster who was trying to steal some
porn from the magazine rack. (Man,
that Avery is one bad mother-humper.) Switching
venues to the local baseball diamond,
the last game of the summer season has
just come to an end, we spot someone
lurking in the trees. After everyone else
clears out, Coach Neal Marshall (Martin
Tucker) and his two assistants, Bob
and Kathy (Kurt Restor and Andria
Savio), take inventory of the
equipment. When several items turn up
missing, they have a pretty good idea of
who’s behind it -- Crazy Casey. Right on cue,
Casey (Hans Manship), the
local simpleton / village idiot, bolts out
of the trees and runs off.
get the sense that Casey is relatively
harmless, but we’re still going to
call him Suspect
sympathetic trio let him go, and Neal offers to buy
Bob and Kathy a drink to celebrate the end
of another successful season. At the
diner, over a pitcher of beer, we find out
that Bob and Kathy are seniors (--
making them minors?), and both are
having reservations about leaving their
small town for college. Neal tries his
best to encourage them, saying all will be
fine, as he orders another pitcher from
Ramona (Jennifer Chase), who
gives Neal the goo-goo to
help us realize this is the town
slut. From the kitchen, Jackson (Darin
Lenthall) yells at his overly
flirtatious waitress to get back work.
Already upset over her refusal to
work the next day, when the big carnival
opens up, Jackson gets so mad he calls
Ramona several naughty names.
sensing some bad history here, and when
you couple that with his general bad
attitude and access to all those sharp
instruments in the kitchen makes Jackson
while walking Kathy home, Bob asks if
she'd like to go to that carnival with
him. Told she has to work at one of the
carnival’s booths, he says that's not a
problem and offers to work it with her. Meanwhile,
the bodies of Ted and Angie continue to
wash down the stream. Amazingly,
they haven’t separated at all -- and I
point out that they were not tied together
anymore when the killer dumped the bodies.

town, after closing up the grocery store,
Lily cuts through several back lots near
the railroad tracks to get home.
Somewhere, an owl hoots, a dog barks in
the distance, and Lily gets a bad case of
the jitters. She makes it across the
tracks, but is convinced that someone is
following her. Turns out there is; it’s
Casey, who silently watches as a freight
train, somehow, manages to sneak up on
Lily and blow by her a few scant feet
away. (Uh-hunh.)
When she screams in surprise, Casey is so
amused by the whole scene he claps
vigorously. Pressing on -- and are you
sure this is a short-cut? -- Lily
makes it the rest of the way home without
incident, where she finds Grandma Edna (Helene
Tryon) in the kitchen peeling
apples. They share the news of the day,
with Tom and Angie’s disappearance the
hot-topic of discussion. With Lily
convinced they’re just off making
whoopee somewhere, Edna is disgusted
because people didn’t do that kind of
thing when she was a kid. But when Lily
says that’s a load of bull, Edna doesn't
argue. Next, we get a little back-story: seems
isn’t real happy with her life. Most of
her friends are long gone, while she
stayed behind in the little town. She used
to date a guy named Matt, who’s now off
at medical school, but Edna wasn’t too
fond of him and thinks her granddaughter
can do better [-- and being a veteran of
these genre films, we will tag this minor,
and as of yet unseen, character of Matt as
#3]. Back
at the diner, Ramona answers the phone.
It's for Jackson, but he's disappeared.
Checking out back she accidentally lets
the cat out. (I
assume the cat is at the diner to catch
mice in the kitchen? That’s comforting.
Hunh, and I thought the little black
pellets were seasoning...)
After gathering up the feline fugitive,
Ramona shuts the door -- just as the
killer takes a swipe at her with a machete,
who only manages to hit the screen door.
Unaware of how close she just came to
dying, Ramona tells the caller Jackson is
next day, the city carnival is in full
swing and we catch up with all our
characters frolicking therein: Casey is
having trouble getting on a moving
carousel; and when Neal tries to help him,
Casey gets scared and runs off again; Lily
and Edna find Bob and Kathy making out at
their booth; and then we
round out our cannon fodder -- sorry,
the rest of the cast with some real
winners ... Ramona has got her hooks in
Tom (Josh Gamble), and they
walk the Midway with Walker and Sheila (Mike
Brown and Monica Boston), Sandy (Jody
Kay), and Diddle. (John
Kohler -- our malignant comedy relief for
the rest of the film.) Sneaking
behind a tent, they all share a stick of
marihuana. When Sheriff Avery smells
the smoke and investigates, they spot him
in time for Walker to eat the reefer,
destroying the evidence. Rousting them
anyway, we find out there’s some
nasty history between Ramona and Avery,
as well, as he warns them all to behave or
... grumpy Sheriff who hates loose
women? That'd be Suspect #4.

then take a few moments to go back to the
river to spy the bodies still merrily
floating along, segueing us over to Lily
and Edna, who join Agnes (Mary
Fran Lyman) at the quilting booth.
Agnes is Casey’s mom, and more of the
plot is spilled-out, when she reveals Neal
is Casey’s hero and how her son idolizes
him. Meanwhile, Neal gets some free
brownies from Sara (Sharon Alley).
Ignoring her affectionate advances, he
moves on down to the quilting booth and
starts talking to Lily. They hit it off. A
few tents over, when
the larger group of potheads meet up with
Bob and Kathy at the food court, Sheila
invites them all to one last party down by
the river before they split up this fall;
they also plan to head into the cemetery
and tell ghost stories or something ...
Sorry, I wasn’t paying that close of
attention; I was too busy watching Sandy
perform fellatio on her banana. The
little scene stealer.
when Bob and Kathy invite Neal to the
party, he in turn asks Lily to come, too.
She declines, but agrees to go to the
movies with him some time. A couple of
booths down, the scorned Sara watches all
this with disgust. She doesn’t take
Neal's rejection very well, storms off,
and after securing a can of whipped cream,
trashes Neal’s car. When Casey spies her
doing this he goes into some kind of fit
-- and I'll pause to point out that Casey
had earlier come out of the Chamber of
Horrors with a nasty facial twitch. The vandalism
done, Sara retreats further into the
parking lot and watches as Neal finds his
trashed car. She sneaks away, across an
open field, and stops at a water fountain
for a quick drink. Home free, she strikes
a sexy pose on some rocks and relaxes --
until the air is cut with a loud thwack!
Sara jumps up with a start, an arrow stuck
in the middle of her back. Does she scream
for help? No. Does she head for the crowd
for help? Nope. Does she not make a sound
and retreat to the old carousel in the
park, climb on a horse, and whimper? Yep.
*sigh* As
the carousel starts moving, the killer
sneaks up behind his victim, sticks a
plastic bag over her head, and secures it
until she suffocates -- and
that mercifully brings this embarrassing
little interlude to an end.
Again, I have to point out that this
happened during the light of day, in an
open field, with a ton of people

night, a despondent Casey is in his room
playing with some toy trains. Worried
because Casey didn’t seem too thrilled
about the carnival, Agnes coaxes a
confession that her son saw Sara
"hurt" Coach Neal and wanted to
stop her. With that revelation Agnes’s
concern grows exponentially as she asks
if Casey hurt Sara in that "special
way" they’ve talked about in
retaliation. When Casey says he’d never
do that, relieved, his mother gives him a
though she already told Neal no, Bob and
Kathy finally convince Lily to come to the
party with them later. After they drop her
off, Lily and Edna have a talk and more
back-plot comes to the front: apparently,
Edna is worried about Lily. So worried
that she would rather have Lily get back
with Dr. Matt Brainfart than see Neal. Seems Neal's
mother was the town prostitute. However, Lily
points out that her own mother wasn't much
better in the town's eyes, having had an
illegitimate baby (-- for the
record, her mother died during childbirth).
Edna hadn't realized Lily knew the
truth about her past, and that no one knows
who her dad really was. She had concocted
a story that he had died, too, but Lily
knew the pictures of him were fake. With
no more secrets to hide, the two women
reconcile the past with a long hug before
Lily goes upstairs to change for the
party, while Edna heads into the kitchen
-- and yes, I believe we're supposed to notice the
huge meat cleaver hanging on the wall.
Meanwhile, Neal
is also getting cleaned up for the party;
and through the distorted glass of the
shower door, we
spy someone entering the bathroom. This
silent intruder then throws the door open,
giving Neal quite a fright, but it's only
Ramona. Her hot-wires crossed, Ramona
thinks Neal wants to sleep with her. He
answers by sticking her in the shower and
turning on the cold water. Storming out of
the house, a soggy Ramona runs right into Sheriff
Avery. Laughing at her wetness, he
can’t believe she’s having this
much trouble getting laid. And as their
conversation gets even nastier, we get
more back-story about a car wreck
involving Casey and Ramona; and Casey
might be Avery’s illegitimate son; and
how his brain
damage might have happened in the car
wreck; but again, the movie is not very
clear on these points.
A little later, Avery gets a frantic
call from Agnes, saying Casey has
disappeared. Later still, Neal heads to
his garage, when suddenly, he
hears something up in the rafters. No one
answers his call but a soccer ball drops
from the loft and bounces into the
darkness. Assuming it's Casey, Neal heads
up the ladder to help him down; but when
he reaches the top, there is a brief
scuffle in the darkness; and then we get a brief
glimpse of a bloody machete and the sound
of several direct hits.
the river party, as a bonfire burns
brightly, Tom can’t quite figure out why
Ramona is in such a bad mood; Walker and
Sheila make out; and poor Sandy isn’t
very happy because the only available guy
left is Diddle, who’s drunk and doing
bad impersonations. When no one else will
go swimming with her, Sandy declares the
party a bust and stomps off to swim alone
-- well, to go skinny-dipping alone to be
more precise; thus fulfilling our nudity
quotient for the film. And after a little
around, Sandy floats on her back, letting
the current gently sweep her down into the
shallows, where she runs right into the
bodies of Ted and Angie! (So the
river runs in one big circle?) She
screams and
swims for the nearest bank, but the bloody
machete swings into action, cutting her
throat open, and then another body joins Ted
and Angie’s silent journey toward the
sea. Back around the bonfire -- and out of
ear-shot, apparently -- the others stop
necking long enough to realize Sandy’s been gone too long and start to
look for her. But instead of finding her,
they run into Bob, Kathy and Lily. After a
little more searching, they figure Sandy
just walked home.
Avery’s search for Casey has turned
up nothing. At the diner, he finds out
Jackson is still missing, too, and then
heads to Neal’s house. Finding the house
locked, he hears something in the garage
and investigates. Neal’s car is still
there, and the strange noises continue --
a dripping sound -- and then he spots
something on the windshield. Smearing his
fingers in it, the Sheriff realizes it’s
blood just as a headless body plummets
from the rafters onto the hood.

at the river everyone has paired up again,
leaving Lily as the odd girl out. Since
Neal hasn’t shown up yet (-- and
odds are he ain’t gonna), she
decides to head home until the others talk
her into coming to the cemetery with them.
They leave a note saying where they went,
just in case Neal does show, then all pile
into Walker’s pick-up, which transports
them to what appears to be the Edward D.
Wood Jr. Memorial Cemetery. There, the
group forms a semi-circle in front of a
large tombstone, light some candles, and
then elect Lily to tell the first ghost
story. And while she tells the old urban
legend about the psycho who kills the
family dog and licks the girl's hand from
underneath her bed, someone darts between
headstones and trees, slowly making their
way toward them. Then, just as Lily
reaches the climax of her tale, a storm
breaks from out of nowhere and a
torrential rain starts to fall. Retreating
to the old abandoned Reynolds place -- and
please-o-please-o-please let this finally
be the House of Death! -- they manage
to get a fire going in the fireplace and
dry off. While waiting for the rain to
abate, Diddle announces he has to make
water and fertilizer but the only
facilities are an old two-seater outhouse
out back. When Diddle leaves
to relieve himself --
and please-o-please let this cretin be the
next victim! --
Tom hits upon the idea to play a prank on
the prankster by scaring him mid-poop. So,
as Diddle enters the outhouse, rousts out
a raccoon, and settles in, back in
the house Tom announces it has
stopped raining -- even though the Foley
man blows this cue and doesn't stop the
rain-effect until after Tom makes this
announcement -- and herds everyone outside
to hassle their friend. As the men line-up
the women in front of the outhouse door,
turns out the jokes on them when they open
it up to find Diddle strung up by the
ankles with his throat slashed open!

the panic stricken knot retreats back into the house, Walker and
Sheila run off to get his truck. In his
panic, he quickly outdistances the girl by
a large margin, and when he jumps into the
truck and puts the keys in the ignition,
he doesn't realize someone's in the truck
with him.
Time. The. [Expletive deleted]. Out: How
could he not see him in there?!?
Sheila runs out of the woods and spies
Walker in the idling truck, sliding
in beside him, she bumps into his shoulder
-- causing Walker's dismembered head to
fall off! The girl then screams away as
the killer seizes her, drags her outside,
and starts whacking away with the machete.
Back at the house, Tom is growing
impatient and tells Bob to stay with the
women while he goes to see what’s
holding Walker and Sheila up. Tom makes it
to the truck but spots the decapitated
heads lying on the ground. And while
retreating back thru the cemetery, he
accidentally falls into an open grave,
where, when moves to pull himself up
and out, the killer's machete comes down
and lops both of his hands off. (Man
that thing must be sharp.)
Tom falls back into the grave -- while his
hands still twitch above!

back at the house, it’s quiet. Too
quiet. And when Bob tries to sneak a
look outside, he barely manages to dodge
the killer's machete. With the door
slammed shut, the killer tries to break in
through the boarded up windows next.
Inside, while trying to retreat upstairs,
Ramona falls through some rotted
floorboards and gets stuck halfway between
floors. As Bob and the others try to pull
her free, Ramona starts screaming --
louder and louder, until the pulling gets
a lot easier because the killer has
somehow gotten below them and chopped her
in half! With the killer inside the house,
those that are left manage to make it up
the rickety stairs and hole-up in a
bedroom. And though Bob tries to hold the
door shut as the killer reduces it to
kindling with the machete, he takes
several deep lacerations to his back.
Before he's killed, Kathy pulls Bob away
from the door. And when the killer finally
kicks his way in, Lily's eyes grow wide with recognition:
hell? So was the body Avery found
Casey? Or Jackson? Or Jimmy Hoffa? Or
maybe the Frito Bandito, perhaps?
Neal -- who has gone completely cuckoo for
Co-Co Puffs. Calling Lily a whore, just
like his mother, we get one last quick
flashback to Neal watching his mom doll up
for one of her johns. And somehow, this
turned him into a homicidal maniac. He
swipes his machete at Lily, misses badly,
and busts out a window. Grabbing a chunk
of the broken glass, Lily stabs him in the
throat. Outside, Avery arrives on the
scene and, with his pistol drawn, circles
around to the side and finds the cellar
entrance -- Aha!
So that’s how the killer got in the
basement to chop Ramona in half. Upstairs,
Neal takes another lunge at Lily, misses
again, only this time his momentum takes
him through the broken window, where he
plummets to the ground and crashes through
the cellar door in front of the Sheriff.
Pulling back some loose boards, Avery finds Neal still kicking and empties his
revolver into the killer’s head-- that
explodes in a sea of tomato paste!!!
I'm gonna assume he shot him as Avery’s massive chub rolls absorbed
the recoil from his pistol. For
heaven’s sake! They couldn’t even
afford blanks to shoot the gun off! He
just aimed it and PRETENDED to fire,
keeping the gun out of frame!
the State Police arrive, they start
picking up the pieces and cleaning up. And
while Bob is loaded onto an ambulance,
Kathy asks Avery "Why?"
answer: "I don’t know."
I should have stuck with House of the
know, I've always been told that you
should never assume anything because, if
you do, it makes an "ass" out of
"u" and "me." So with
most films, I try not to assume anything.
But when the creators assume the audience
can piece together their film past the
plot-holes, inconsistencies, and quantum
leaps of plot-logic, then you are a
powerless victim of these assumptions.
Therefore, the film has made an ass out of
you. House of Death
assumes a lot. And it assumed it’s way
right into an 18th Amendment.
I don't have a problem if a film doesn’t
spell things out for the audience. I like
it when the filmmakers don’t dumb it
down and make you pay attention. To me,
that’s good filmmaking. But there is a
big difference between good / clever
filmmaking, and bad / sloppy filmmaking,
which House
of Death
or Death Screams most certainly is:
we to assume that Ted and Angie got hacked
up? Or run over by the train? Are we to
assume that Avery and Agnes are
married? And Casey is there defective
progeny? Was he injured in the possible
accident with Ramona? Was that Casey’s
body found in the garage? How did Neal
make it all the way out to the cemetery
with his car still parked in the garage?
How did the killer get in the basement?
During the flashback, Neal sees his mom
and another woman of ill repute. Is this
Lily’s mother? And what exactly is
Neal’s motive anyway?
the list goes on and on ... What I really
found to be hilarious is, if you remove
the killing spree, what you have left is a
really bad hatchet job of Peyton
-- or some other, southern-fried gothic
potboiler. A lot of time and effort is
spent on worthless details in this movie. And
all of that can be blamed on a lazy script
by Paul Eliot. Coming out in the middle of
the slasher boom, Eliot stripped it down
to the bare essentials: no motive --
by then the motives were irrelevant or
hackneyed at best; about a dozen false
scares; a smattering of red herrings; two
boob-shots; and at least eight deaths by a
lethally sharp object -- the majority of
which happen in the last ten minutes.
I checked for the film’s director on the
thought they had there wires crossed
again. But no; it’s true. House
of Death
was directed by David Nelson; Ozzie and
Harriet’s other son (--
the other being the late singer Ricky
I found corroborating evidence and
confirmed it with info from Steven
Kramer’s website, who was an assistant
editor on the film. Shot
at Earl Owensby studios in Shelby, North
Carolina, Owensby was known as the Dixie
DeMille and provided production facilities
for fly by night moviemakers like the ones
behind this turgid slasher. Final
-- one of the worst Stalk 'n' Slash movies
ever made -- was filmed there the year
before ... And now that I think about it, House
of Death
is an exact carbon-copy of that film: two
deaths before the opening credits;
followed by an hour where nothing happens;
and then it turns into a massive blood
bath for the last fifteen minutes. And the
killer didn’t have a motive in that one
either. Later, Owensby's studios and there
giant water tanks were used in the filming
of James Cameron’s The
in 1989. Sometime after that, Owensby got
religion and sold off his studio
properties and started opening piously
based theme parks.
really sad that the script is so bad
because the actors, aside from the idiot
and future TV weatherman playing Diddle,
do an OK job. Most of the time, these
things are polluted with actors that
simply can’t act, but here, we have an
exception. Everyone’s reasonably
likeable but the film has nothing for them
to do except wait around to be killed --
and the movie makes us wait an awful long
time. We do get our cheesecake shots, but
the film has lulled us to sleep and I
barely noticed that Sandy was
skinny-dipping. And that’s just sad.
the viewer is in a dilemma. We can’t
identify with the characters; but we
don’t hate them enough to want them to
die (--
except Diddle), and who cares who
the killer is and why. The deaths aren’t
very creative, loopy, or graphic. The
notable exception being the killer’s demise
when his very false head explodes under Avery’s barrage of bullets. That was
friggin' hilarious. Beyond that, the
only unintentional humor comes from the
cutaways to the bodies merrily floating
down the stream with the erratic course.

between the killings at the beginning
until [I’m
assuming] Casey is killed in the garage,
almost an hour has elapsed where nothing
has happened except empty and worthless
back-story. I got the distinct impression
that scorned Sara’s killing was
shoehorned in, rather clumsily,
after the film was done, when the
producers realized nothing happens for
over and hour and decided to stick in
another murder to add some punch. But it
didn’t help. And it didn’t fit; the
killer’s weapon of choice is a machete,
not a bow and arrow. And I still don't
even want to contemplate why Sara
doesn’t scream and run back into the
carnival area for help.
I presented the films for this marathon, I
got an e-mail from a reader who caught House
of Death
on A&E of all places. It didn’t make
any sense to the reader and they blamed it
on the possibility of parts being edited
out to pass the censors, or fit in the
time slot. I’m here to say that edited
or unedited, the film still doesn’t make
a lot of sense and is one jumbled mess. If
you're a fan of the genre and rent it,
fast forward to the last ten minutes.
Beyond that, the film is just one colossal
waste of time.