was a dark and stormy night ... The natives
were growing restless ... And we're in some
serious trouble already because our cliché
generator just broke.
in a small peasant village somewhere along
the Mexican border, what's left of the
local population are hastily packing their
belongings to escape the curse that has
come to plague their town; a strange
pestilence that began when those two
foreign doctors moved into the old
monastery up on the hill overlooking the
village, and then all the children who
went to work for them began to die under
mysterious circumstances. Hailing from
Europe -- Vienna to be more precise, these
sibling, aristocratic interlopers claim
that the unfortunate children were stricken down by
some highly contagious virus that they are
feverishly trying to cure. Suspicious, but
frightened by the rumors of what's really
going on inside the monastery walls, the
natives decide discretion is the better
part of valor and settle for a en masse
amscray instead. And when the second to
last wagon pulls out, all that remains is
the Lopez family:
Poppa, Mama and daughter Juanita (Estelita
Rodriguez). And the only reason
they're sticking around is because the
last member of their clan, Francisco, is still somewhere inside
the monastery walls.
a terrible storm approaching, Juanita tries
to collect her brother but is stopped at
the door and informed that Francisco has
also contracted the mystery contagion, and
despite the doctor's combined efforts,
it's only a matter of time before he
expires. As the family mourns, if they
really knew what happened to poor
Francisco, I guarantee their blood would
congeal and curdle with sheer fright!

okay. Methinks I'm taking this all a little
too seriously. We are talking about a film
called Jesse
James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter,
right? Right. And that means we've finally
gotten around to doing this here companion
piece to Billy
the Kid vs. Dracula. Unfortunately,
I’m sorry to report that this film falls
victim to the exact same pitfalls as its
sister act. That's right. Director William
"One-Shot" Beaudine and writer
Carl K. Hittleman are at it again and play
it straight, so we’re basically stuck
with just another Halloween episode of Bonanza.
script is solid, the sets are solid, and
the stunts are solid, so there really
isn’t a whole lot wrong with it. But it
comes off as so banal, you’ll catch
yourself anxiously awaiting the conclusion
so's you can just move on with your life. And
since we aim to please, lets get back to
the film already as that
thunderstorm finally breaks wide open.
Meantime, inside
the monastery, Maria and Rudolph
Frankenstein (Narda Onyx and Steven
Geray) marvel at the severe weather
that rumbles through the plains on a
regular basis. Both a chip right off of
dad’s old block, the siblings continue
their infamous father's ghoulish
experiments -- although it appears Rudolph doesn’t
seem to have the stomach for it.
Not really interested in reanimating
cadavers, these two are more into
experimenting with an artificial
brain their father created. And when these
pre-processed brains are placed in the
subject patient, according to theory, they
should become mindless slaves. So far
though, each attempt to transplant a brain
into one of the villagers has ended in
abysmal failure.
Thus the contagion ruse. Believing that
their test subjects we’re too young and
weak, Maria doesn’t realize that
Rudolph, who thinks these experiments are
an abomination, is secretly poisoning the
test subjects. Now, with only one brain
left, they must find the perfect

Jesse James (John Lupton)
and his beefy friend, Hank (Cal
Bolder), are trying to raise a
little grub money by bare-knuckling the local
thug of the saloon owner (Nestor
Paiva -- another fan favorite here at 3B
Theater). When Hank beats him, and
beats him soundly, Nestor tries to welch
on the bet until realizing he’s
dealing with thee Jesse James and quickly
pays up ... What’s
left of the James Gang then meets up with
what’s left of the Wild Bunch to pull
off another stage hold-up. Both gangs have
seen better days; put together, there are
only five men. And tensions are high as Butch -- the leader of the
Wild Bunch -- argues with his brother, Lonny (Rayford Barnes -- who looks
real familiar), about his share of
the loot. Since he was the one who found
out about the stage carrying the large
payroll, and the decoy trick they use to
get through the Pia del Morte (-- a
small pass that's a perfect spot for an
ambush), Lonny feels
he deserves a bigger cut. He also
isn’t very happy about cutting in the
James Gang, and in a drunken
stupor, he draws on Jesse. But Jesse
proves faster and shoots the gun out of
Lonny's hand. Fed up, Butch warns Lonny
that he’ll only get the same amount as
everybody else, and if he doesn't sober
up, he'll get nothing. This,
of course, doesn’t sit well with Lonny,
so he sneaks off and finds Marshall Macfee (Jim
Davis). Telling Macfee that he's
gone straight, Lonny
rats out both gangs, and
very keen on seeing a certain notorious
outlaw hung by the neck
until he was dead.
to Pia del Morte with his posse first, Macfee
sets an ambush for the ambushers.
When the bandits show up, including the
turncoat Lonny, they wait for the decoy
stage to pass through first before Macfee springs his trap. And while he
takes care of the Wild Bunch, Lonny aims
his rifle and draws a bead on Jesse. Hank
sees this and gets in the line of fire,
taking a bullet in the shoulder. Moving
quickly, Jesse helps him onto a horse and
they both escape during the confusion.
Ordering the others to take the bodies
back to down, Macfee mounts up to go
after the James Gang alone. Still
determined to see the outlaw dead, and
without a second glance at his brother who
was just shot down like a dog, Lonny
tags along.

wound is pretty serious, but luckily, they
stumble upon the Lopez family. Told that
Hank was hurt by accident, Juanita offers
to take them to the doctor in nearby
Prescott. Being on the lam, Jesse
declines as best he can, but Juanita
easily figures out why he's being so coy
and agrees to take them to the doctors at
the monastery instead. Along
the way, Juanita goes to the river for
some water, when from out of nowhere, an
Indian grabs her and stifles her screams.
When Jesse goes to search for her, he soon
finds himself wrestling with the Indian for his trouble. Managing to kill the
brave with his own knife, Juanita is very,
very grateful to him for saving her life.
Then suddenly, the two stumble onto a John
Ford set as the rest of the tribe thunders
by on horseback -- never to be seen or
heard from again! Safe, the girl and the
outlaw kiss.
the abandoned ghost town, Juanita refuses
to go any further, saying she
will wait for them there. Jesse and Hank
head on, and then somehow manage to
traverse the giant matte painting and
reach the monastery. Told the same
cock-and-bull accident story, when Rudolph
moves to help the injured man, Maria’s
eyes actually bulge with glee at Hank’s
beefy frame; she has found her perfect
his partner takes care of the horses, the
doctors begin to work on their patient. In
a delirium, Hank calls for Juniata and
Jesse by name -- and I guess they’ve
even heard of the famed outlaw way over in
Vienna, too. Still in a state of complete glee-gasm,
Maria tells Rudolph that the situation is
perfect: the outlaws are on the run and
won’t be missed, but needing to
eliminate all
the witnesses, Maria sends Rudolph out to
round up Juanita while she starts
measuring Hank's cranium for a date with a
passes, and when Macfee and Lonny show up
at the monastery, Maria lies, claiming to
have seen no one. They buy it, and several
days after they leave, Hank
starts to get better with Rudolph’s care.
And while she sits with him, whenever
they're alone, Juanita warns Hank that as
soon as he is strong enough, he and Jesse
must leave this place or they will both
surely die. When Hank asks if she will
come with them, the girl doesn't answer
... Later that evening, Juanita makes the same
plea to Jesse and is pleased that he also
asks if she'll come with them. Even
though she does love him, she must remain
to stop the evil that has destroyed her
village. But it turns out that someone
else has got the hots for Jesse, too.
Turning her feminine wiles and weird
accent up to eleven, Maria tries to seduce
the outlaw, promising that together, they
can build and empire and rule it -- well,
together. Jesse is not swayed and ends
this embarrassing session by telling Maria
that they'll be leaving as soon as Hank is
ready to roll. Alas, this
rejection sends Maria into a spiraling
snit. Determined that if she can’t have
the outlaw then no one can, the mad doctor
sets in motion a trap that will get Jesse permanently
out of the way so she can experiment
freely on Hank.

by Maria that Hank has had a massive
relapse and needs more medicine, Jesse is
then given a prescription to be filled at
the pharmacy in Prescott that reads:
My name is Jesse James. I am a bad
outlaw. If lost, please return me to
Marshall Macfee and then hang me by the
neck until dead.
Jesse rides off to Prescott, the
Frankensteins begin the transplant
procedures by shaving Hank's head, and
while Rudolph amputates his old brain,
Maria starts percolating the new one.
town, when Jesse gives the pharmacist the
bum prescription, the clerk nervously excuses himself to the back
room, and then hightails it out the back
door to the Marshall’s office. But Lonny
is the only one there, and with the
reward dollar signs a-spinning, he sends
the reluctant apothecary back to his store
to distract the outlaw. Fortunately for
our hero, Lonny isn't all that good at
being sneaky and is quickly dispatched.
Still thinking he needs the medicine, the pharmacist shows him the false
prescription. Realizing he's been had,
Jesse rides back toward the monastery, where Juanita has managed to sneak in and
observe the awful experiments in secret. The
transplant itself has been completed, and
Maria is about to move on to the next

her Strickfaden's Electronic
Brain-Swapping Beanie-Helmet, she connects
it to Hank’s new brain. Then fluorescent
tubes light up, machines whir, and Tessla
coils spark off as she begins to program
the artificial brain -- accomplished by
raving at the top of her lungs and
thinking bad thoughts into her magic
helmet. The
experiment appears to be a success as Hank
stirs, but he just as quickly loses
consciousness. Having seen this reaction
before, Maria tells Rudolph to get her a
syringe of adrenaline to stimulate him
before its too late. This time, she
catches Rudolph filling it up with poison,
and having had enough, he turns on his
sister. As they struggle, Maria screams
for help and this tumultuous commotion wakes
Hank back up, who then throttles Rudolph
to death at her behest. As Maria
gleefully dubs her new pet Igor, horrified
by what she has seen, Juanita flees the
premises to find Jesse, whom she runs into
on the road to Prescott. And
though she pleads with him not to return
to the hellish monastery, Jesse is
stand-up guy and must go back to rescue
Hank. Left behind, Juniata continues on
into town to find Macfee.
When he arrives
at the monastery, Jesse sneaks in and
thinks he has the drop on Maria -- until
Igor sneaks up from behind and knocks him
out. Strapping the outlaw to the table,
Maria drugs him, with every intention of
making Jesse a slave, too.
(Wait a second. I thought they only
had one brain left?) In
Prescott, Juanita somehow manages to
convince Macfee of the evil doings going
on at the monastery. Once there, he tells
Juanita to wait outside. Inside, Macfee
finds Jesse still strapped to the table
with his brain intact. Unfortunately,
Maria finds him before he can cut Jesse
loose. Siccing
Igor on him, the monster bear-hugs Macfee
until he passes out. And while they
drag Macfee off to the dungeon, Juanita
sneaks into the lab and releases Jesse. But
her timing sucks, too, as the
bad guys come back in time to catch them.
When Maria tells Igor to kill them both,
Hank manages to assert himself and won’t
kill his friends. Instead, he turns on
Maria and kills her.

relapse is only temporary, though, and unfortunately,
Hank/Igor’s faulty motor-neurons have
gotten stuck on kill mode. Unable to shoot
his friend, Igor soon starts wiping the floor
with Jesse, leaving Juanita to pick up one of
the discarded guns
and shoot Igor. As he dies, Igor reverts
back to Hank one last time and calls out
Juanita’s name. Then the film proceeds
to kick us
while we're down by ending with Juanita
tearfully saying goodbye to Jesse as
Macfee hauls him off to jail.
that’s ending's kind of a downer.
speaking honestly, the film really didn't
have all that far to fall. It does
pick up a little during the brain-swapping
sequences, but they just can’t carry the
film no matter how much gusto Narda Onyx
pumps into her character. And she pumps. A
lot. I’m not quite sure what accent she
was trying to pull off, but it didn't stay
the same from scene to scene. And I
finally remember where I saw Rayford
Barnes before. He was Joe Don Baker’s
fellow detective in the MST3k
great Mitchell.
I don’t want to be a historical
nitpicker, but if memory serves me
correctly, I believe Billy the Kid wore
twin guns while Jesse James wore only one.
E'yup, the creators of these two films
even got that mixed up. That shouldn’t
really bug me, but for some reason, it
watching Billy
the Kid vs. Dracula I kinda warmed
up to the earnestness of Billy and
Betty, but here, I was completely
indifferent to Jesse and Juanita. I don't
know if I should blame the story or the
actors, but I really didn't care what
happened to any of them. And that's the
biggest difference between the two films,
making Jesse
James meets Frankenstein's Daughter,
hands down, the bigger slog to sit
through. Neither film falls into the
"So bad it’s good" category
because they're so lethargically mundane
-- especially this one. Not a lot happens
in this movie. It isn’t terrible, but
again, with a title like that, I was
expecting a lot more awfulsomeness.
the end, I can recommend both films as
bizarre anomalies of mixed genres, but
beyond that, there just isn’t a whole
lot there.