Mad Mammoth Monkey Marathon
stumbles out of the blocks in Africa -- at
least that’s what the sign on the jeep
rambling by says, so there won’t be any
confusion -- where four men piled into
said jeep run into an ambush and are
promptly blown
away. When the three ambushers reveal
themselves, Burt (Brad Harris),
disgusted by the carnage, isn't too happy
with what just transpired, but Albert (Marc
Lawrence), the ringleader, tells
him not to worry; the $300000 in payroll
they've just seized can appease anyone's
conscience. Well, all except his, that is,
because as soon as Burt lets his guard
down, Albert shoots him in the back, and
then kills the other man, too. Taking the
money and the jeep, our villain vacates the scene
while Burt's world spins into darkness as the credits roll...
three minutes of screen time and five
dead bodies. Well, this could prove
interesting, right? HA! Don't hold your
breath. The credits also claim that this
film is just plain old Kong Island,
and we, as an audience, grow suspicious
about that change in title. More on this
the credits end, they abandon us in some kind of
cavern, doubling as a laboratory, where
Albert and his assistant perform some kind
of dubious experimental surgery on what
passes for a gorilla in this type of film.
Making an incision into the beast’s
skull, the mad doctor inserts an electrode
into the brain tissue. Once the surgery is
complete (-- and apparently a success),
Albert laughs sinisterly as the scene
shifts back to civilization, where we find
ourselves at some kind of resort hotel.
And when Theodore (Aldo Cecconi),
the owner and proprietor of the
establishment, returns to his room, he
finds his wife, Ursula (Adriana
Alben), deep in conversation with
Burt (-- so I guess he
survived the gunshot wound then?).
appears to be happy to see his old friend again, and
we find out that Burt is a former
mercenary for hire whose been out of the
country since "the incident."
But now he’s back and looking for Albert
and a little payback. Since neither have seen him, Burt moves on. After
he leaves, we see all is not well with the
married couple. Seems Burt
and Ursula used to have a thing for each
other, and Ted goes all kinds of mean when
someone pays too much attention to his
wife, directing most of that hostility
towards his mate in the formed of a closed
fist. Meanwhile, Burt finds Ted's children,
Robert and Diana (-- I think Ursula
is their stepmother. Stress on the
"think". And what’s with every
single character in the damn movie having a derivative of
Bert as a name? --), preparing to go on safari.
They want Burt to
come along, but he declines and asks if
they’ve seen Albert. Robert (Mark
Farran) claims that Albert hasn't
been seen for quite awhile, but Turk, his top henchman,
has been
hanging around a lot lately.
the mere mention of Turk’s name, Burt’s
blood starts to boil. After Diana (Ursula
Davis) calms him down, he's invited
to join them at the club
later for some drinks and dancing. When he agrees,
we get an embarrassingly long go-go
dancing sequence. In between songs,
Ursula warns Burt that a mystery man has
been watching him closely all night. Suddenly,
Burt spots Turk on the dance floor, and
when they make eye contact, Turk quickly
splits. (But not before we recognize him as
the assistant from the monkey brain
surgery.) Burt chases him outside, where Turk’s goon squad attacks.
He manages to fight them off, but during the
melee, Turk gets away. One of the goons
recovers and almost kills Burt, but then
the mystery surveillance man intervenes
and saves him. And who is this mysterious
Good Samaritan? Sorry, the film won't tell
us. The first of many
"ambiguities" and "vagaries"
that we're gonna have to sort out for
ourselves in this confusing turd-burger of
a movie...

we go any further, I must pause ... for I
have one, very important thing to say about King
of Kong Island.
right. I call shenanigans on our
good friends at VCI Video. Why?
Well, the box art for this video is
adorned with a large gorilla and what
appears to be a rocket-ship clasped in its
paw. With no plot description on the
back of the box, at all, I honestly
thought I was renting a version of King
Kong Escapes. So, imagine my
surprise when I
watched it for the first time and got this
instead. I knew something was fishy
when the credits only called the film Kong
Island. And within the
first ten minutes I knew I'd been had.
Needless to say, there are no giant
monkeys, no rocket ships, and, in fact,
there is no mention of the word Kong
during the entire movie. And come to think
of it, there wasn't any island, either.
Dammit. Shenanigans!
Island, or
Eva, La Venere Selveggia in it's native
(-- loosely translated as Eva, the
Wild Woman), was never released theatrically in the
States and made it's debut on the tube in
the late '70s. One can assume the prudent name change
was a
crass attempt to cash in on the King
Kong remake. Produced by the same team
that gave us Mickey Hargitay's Bloody
Pit of Horror,
Walter Brandi and Ralph Zucker
latched on to another muscleman, Brad
Harris, for this piece of jungle
tedium. Also receiving a producer's credit
was Dick Randall, an international renaissance
man, who over the years had a hand in a ton of
exploitation movies of nearly every genus and
species: mondo, gialli, Hong Kong
action flicks, softcore tease, hardcore
sleaze, sci-fi clunkers, and slashers -- you
name it, and the former gag-man for Milton
Berle probably produced at least one film
in the genre. And when you look at the
man's track record, his films always
proved enjoyable, no matter how weird or
awful, but something went horribly awry,
here, and his normally golden touch turned
to lead. Don't believe me? Read on...
next morning, Robert and Diana don their
pith helmets and set out on safari. Along
the way, amongst all the stock-footage
shots of jungle terrain and animals, we
find out that they’re heading to the forbidden
part of the jungle to see if they can sack
the fabled "Sacred Monkey."
Occasionally, they run into some real live
animals, including a lion and a cheetah cub
playing with each other. Diana thinks
they’re too cute to shoot -- but has no
reservations about blasting away at the
mommy and daddy cats. That
night, after they make camp, a pack of
unfortunate looking gorillas attack and kill all the native levies,
Robert out, and then carry Diana off into the
jungle. When Robert comes around, he finds
Turk standing over him, who says if he
ever wants to see Diana alive again, there
are a few ransom demands to be met.
what are these ransom demands? Again,
the film is being annoyingly coy with
us. E'yup. I'm sensing a pattern here...
that, Robert
goes back to the hotel and tries to
recruit Burt to help rescue Diana. He tells
him about the gorilla attack, and how he
feels there was something not quite right
about it. Apparently, the apes didn’t act like apes
at all, and it was like they had a plan of
attack. Honestly, Burt wasn't going to help until he
finds out that Turk is somehow involved.
And then the film gets even more cryptic as
Ursula warns them against violating any ancient
jungle taboos.
we, as an audience, give up and pop
open another cold one, hoping less
sobriety will somehow help this film
make more sense.
Burt and Robert return to the destroyed
campsite, they’re unaware that they're
being tailed by the mystery Samaritan from
earlier in the film. Nope, we still
don’t know who he is -- and how they
cannot spot him is another mystery.
(He’s only about a foot and half behind
them down the jungle path.) They’re
also under the surveillance of a native
jungle girl and her pet chimpanzee. After
turning in for the night, Robert sneaks
off and has a secret
rendezvous with Turk, and we find out that
the only ransom demand was to bring Burt
into the jungle so Turk can kill him. (I
do believe there are easier ways to bump
somebody off. Oh, well. Back to the film.)
Meanwhile, Jungle Girl (Esmeralda
Barros) -- sans top, but her
flowing hair strategically covers all her
naughty bits -- stealths her way
into Burt’s tent, but he awakens and
frightens her off.

next morning, as the expedition presses on to
find Diana, about two-feet behind them, the
mystery man is attacked by the zombie
gorillas. Hearing the commotion, Burt
investigates and comes to the man's rescue
by killing one of the apes and running the
rest off. Our
mystery man finally reveals himself to be
an Interpol agent, investigating
the original payroll robbery. But that isn’t
Interpol’s biggest concern, though:
It’s rumored that Albert is a mad genius
who is diabolically experimenting with the
"condition brain reflexes in
animals" and will somehow use this to
take over the world. (YES, Pinky!) Unfortunately,
that's as far as he gets before the apes
circle back and wipe out
the rest of Burt and Bert's safari. Again,
Robert manages to survive the attack, and
as he begins to spill his guts about his
father’s involvement with Albert’s
experiments, he is felled by a
sniper’s bullet before he can reveal too
much. (For the record: it was Turk
who shot him.) But Burt
and the Interpol man can’t go after the
assassin because they’re quickly
attacked, overrun, and subdued by some
jungle natives. And as the film suddenly
turns into The
Naked Prey
on us, the natives quickly set them free -- only
so they can hunt them down again!
while we’re on that subject, The
Naked Prey
is one of the most brutal and unsettling
movies I’ve
ever seen. Watch it, and try to sit
still as the captured safari men are
tortured to death. I know most of them
were evil white capitalists out raping
the jungle -- but still! That
ain't right...
Interpol man is killed with a spear (--
nice knowing ya! Thanks for stopping buy
and expositioning the plot for us),
but Burt manages to get away. He
then spots the Jungle Girl again, and although
she’s still a little skittish, he uses
the patented William Shatner technique to
calm her down. (He takes his shirt
off, emotes with much gusto etc. etc.) Despite the
language barrier, he manages to find out
that she’s the "Sacred Monkey"
that Diana was looking for. (Now
that’s MORE than a little disturbing.) Dubbing
her Eva, Burt discovers that she is wearing Diana’s bracelet and convinces
her to show him where she found it.

the scene shifts back to the cavern
laboratory for some more plot
exposition as Albert removes Diana from her
cage, and then goes into the standard bad guy
gloating routine by explaining how he is
able to control his hairy minions ... After implanting
the reception antennae into the ape, he
uses his atomic transmitter to control
them. This mighty transmitter appears to be a large picture
of a monkey brain with a red light bulb
right in the center, and it also appears
to be his burglar alarm as it starts
flashing and bonging when someone invades the perimeter. Tuning
in a monitor, Albert sees Burt and Eva
approaching the cave and sends Turk and an
ape to take care of them. Meanwhile, Diana
is thrown back in her cage as Albert gloats some
more, revealing that he’s been doing
the same kind of mind-control experiments
on women, too. And if she doesn’t
capitulate to him, Diana's next on the
patient list.
trap is sprung, scattering the invaders, Turk chases
after Burt while the ape goes after the
girl. Calling the ape by name, Eva
is surprised when it won’t listen
to her. (Think Tarzan here. "Unk,
mangahni! Bondalo!") Under
Albert's control, the ape captures her and
takes her back to his new master.
Meanwhile, Burt uses the old "stick
your shoe in a rock to fool the bad
guy" trick and kills Turk, then
taking the bad guy's rifle, heads deeper
into the cavern, where back in the lab,
Albert is ecstatic to finally
get his hands on the "Sacred
Monkey." (Okay, that’s just
wrong. Someone really blew it in the
translation and dubbing here.) But
suddenly, and from out of the blue, Ted and Ursula show up,
armed to the teeth, demanding that Diana
be released immediately. And then the film
takes another violent u-turn on us when Ursula
switches sides and shoots Ted in the head.
Seems she's been having an affair with
Albert all along. (The hell?) She
turns on Diana, too, and tries to kill
her, but Eva jumps in and a royal catfight
ensues. This display of feminine
feistiness arouses the male apes caged
nearby, and as it builds into frenzy, a
shot rings out and Ursula slumps over.
She's dead. Burt enters the lab with the
smoking gun, and takes aim at Albert. His
revenge is almost complete, but the apes,
so wound up over the frenzied female
fight, manage to break out of their cage
and attack him. When Diana yells at Burt to
shoot at the transmitter, he manages to hit the light bulb with the
second shot with two monkeys hanging on
his back!
the apes now back under Eva’s control,
she sics them on Albert. After they chase
him down and kill him (-- I think),
we cut back to his equipment as it
starts to explode, causing everyone to flee the
cave. Once everybody's safe, Burt and Diana jump in a handy boat
and head back toward civilization, leaving
Eva and her chimp behind, who wave goodbye before
heading back into the jungle.
has bad acting,
bad dialogue, bad F/X, bad
plotting, and is just a plain bad idea.
Now normally this kind of craptacular
Royal Flush is good for a few laughs but this
film can't quite get over that cinematic
hump. However,
this Italian/Spanish mash-up isn’t without
merit. As a jungle safari movie, it covers
all it’s bases as proven with this handy
use of stock jungle footage with a
wide variety of animals. Check
and Check.
some point in the safari, someone
will run into a very large snake. Check.
to the Caucasian Immunity Clause,
native laborers are killed. Check.
heroine must be carried off into
jungle by some kind of monkey or
native, or both. Check.
you are attacked and captured by
jungle natives, they will truss
you up and carry you around on
poles. Check.
expeditions will discover either a
jungle boy or jungle girl, and
within five minutes all language
barriers will be conquered. Check.
it’s a jungle girl, she will
soon be playing second banana to
the Great White Hunter -- even
though her jungle survival skills
are obviously more suited to lead.
That's a big Ten-Four, good
could go on but you get the general idea.
with most foreign imports, something gets
lost in the translation. I understand that
in the Euro-cut there's a ton of nudity,
including a slow-motion scene of Eva
running through the jungle, and it also
expands upon the subplot concerning Ted
and Ursula's domestic troubles. I kinda
glossed over it in the synopsis, but every
time they'd fight, Ted would wind up
slapping his wife around, and then, for
all intents and purposes, sexually
assaults her. And the disturbing part is,
the violence seems to turn Ursula on,
which goes a long way in explaining why I
chose to ignore it until now. All
the double-crossing that goes on in this
movie is a little contrived, and it’s
maddening how often a character is
introduced to help explain the plot, but
then, as soon as they do, they’re dead
within minutes. (So, if you do know
something, keep it under your pith
helmet.) And another thing, Albert is always
complaining about headaches. Now, I think
he is supposed to be in direct psychic
control of the apes and is having some
kind of feedback problems. This
plays out in the end, when Bert destroys
his equipment. And as Albert’s brain
overloads, and the apes close in on him, he
clutches his head in agony and drops out
of frame; so maybe he died of a cerebral
hemorrhage? I don't know. Playing Albert,
actor Marc Lawrence had quite a career in
Hollywood but ran into trouble with the
communist witch hunts in the 1950s. Naming
names, he was blackballed into acting
exile in Europe, where he wound up in films
like this one. But he would return to
America in the 1970's with his own dastardly
opus Daddy's
Deadly Darling. And as they say,
payback is a bitch.
King of Kong Island
is an inauspicious start to our look at
the world of Mad Mammoth Monkey Movies. We can
only hope that things will gets better -- or it’s
gonna be a long couple of weeks.