open in the bedroom of young Stevie
Horowitz (Dean
Jacobsen), an aspiring
filmmaker -- judging by all the equipment
and props he has crammed in there, whose
just finished the last edit on his first
film: a science-fiction epic that he
believes will be his ticket to Hollywood
fame and fortune. However, his constantly
nagging mother doesn't agree with this
pie-in-the-sky assessment ... Taking his
prized film to the office of J.P.
Sheldrake, Horowitz tries to bluff his way
into to seeing the big time movie
producer. As fate would have it, Sheldrake
(Tony Curtis)
is at that very moment getting some
terrible news from his accountant. Seems
his studio made too much money last year
and now Uncle Sam wants his share to the
tune of about $4,000,000 in taxes.
Unfortunately, all of Sheldrake's money is
tied up in bad investments, mostly
ex-wives, but his accountant has a plan.
If they can somehow take a large monetary
loss during this fiscal year, the books
will even themselves out. Sheldrake loves
the idea, but loses faith when told there
are only six days left to find such a
turd-burger to bomb at the box-office.
Thus, faced with financial ruin, the
producer prepares to hurl himself out the
window but is interrupted when his
secretary buzzes in, asking if he'd like
to take a look at something called Lobster
Man from Mars.
ludicrous title alone spells box-office
disaster to Sheldrake, and it sounds
exactly like what he needs to save his
hash from the IRS. And so he happily grabs
Horowitz and hauls him into the nearest
screening room, where everyone
settles in as the images flicker to life
... When the
credits for the film roll up, accompanied
by a James Bondian Diva belting out a
ballad about Martian lobsters, revealing
it was written, produced, scored, F/X'd
and directed by Stevie Horowitz,
Sheldrake's Cheshire grin stretches from
ear to ear.

magnum opus opens on the planet Mars,
where a narrator (Dr.
Demento) informs us that H.G. Wells
was right: there really are Martians, who
live underground on the angry red planet.
At heart a peaceful race, the Martians are
faced with an impending crisis: their
oxygen is about to run out. So, the
Martian King (Bobby
"Boris" Pickett) consults
Brain X, which looks like a big lump of
poop stuck in a jar, about what they
should do. Now, Brain X talks in a kind of
helium-flavored B-Flick jive, punctuated
with lots of klaatus, baradas and niktos,
but we still get the gist of his speech
and his answer is simple: they'll just
have to steal all of Earth's air. To
accomplish this, the Martian King will
send his best agent. He's big, nasty, and
reeks of rotten fish. For he is the
dreaded Lobster Man (S.P.
Nemeth). But when charged with this
all important mission, the monster refuses
to go -- until the King points out that he
can eat as many Earthlings as he likes
while there. That seals it. And before you
can say "Hu-mans is
finger-licking-good" the Lobster
Man hops aboard his flying saucer. But
before he putters off, the King orders him
to take Mambo along to help. (Who's
Mambo? You'll find out in a sec, but I
guarantee you're gonna love him.)
With that, the sparkler is lit and the
wobbly spacecraft sputters across the
galaxy towards an unsuspecting Earth.

of Earth, we switch venues and focus on a
large convertible driving down a lonely
road. Here, the narrator chimes in a
warning that these unwary travelers are
doomed to meet a sinister fate. Inside the
car, John and Mary (Anthony
Hickox and Deborah Foreman), a
young and wholesome couple,
talk excitedly about Johnny's new job,
working for his uncle Freddy. Suddenly,
the car seizes up and stalls out. And
their consternation turns to astonishment
when their attention is drawn skyward,
where a flying saucer wobbles overhead ...
Following it's erratic trajectory until it
disappears over a nearby hill, when the
craft falls out of sight, the car
magically starts back up. Intrigued, our
heroes decide to investigate. Following
the smoke, they find a large cave and
deduce the ship must have crashed
somewhere inside it (--
and all you savvy B-movie veterans out
there should instantly recognize the cave
in question, as
it used to belong to Ro-Man the
Here, the fiendishly naive couple spy some
strange, glittering tracks around the
entrance but decide to head into the cave
anyway, where they find the UFO. Knowing
they'll need proof, or the authorities
will never believe them, John heads back
to the car and gets his camera out of the
trunk. And while he takes several shots of
the otherworldly craft, a lobster-clawed
POV crawls into the opened trunk and
closes the lid.
of this stowaway, John
and Mary stop at a roadside cafe looking
for a phone. After calling the
authorities, John is patched through to
Colonel Ankrum (Fred Holliday),
the head honcho of the 13th Army's
Military Intelligence Domestic Division
for Unexplained Phenomenon. Listening to
the excited report, Ankrum angrily calls
John a crackpot before hanging up on him.
Overhearing John's phone call, a
world-weary private investigator named
Sledge (Tommy Sledge) watches
as the couple leaves. The man obviously
fell straight out of a Hammet or Spillane
novel and landed right on his head as he
lays on the tough, hard-boiled dick
metaphors a little too thickly, drawing
worried stares from everyone else in the
cafe -- Sledge even has to turn down his
jazzy theme muzak when the operator can't
hear him while he tries to phone his
secretary. Finally getting through, he
announces his plan to tail those
youngsters, hoping to cash in on their
find, somehow.
John decides their best course of action
is to contact his Uncle Freddy. And once
they get the pictures developed, and with
his uncle's backing, the authorities will
have to believe them then. Unfortunately,
this plan is derailed for a bit when their
car suffers a blow out. Limping to the
nearest gas station, the owner promises to
replace the tire lickety-split. He also
points them to the nearest photographer,
but warns it will take at least a whole
day to process the film. After the couple
leaves with the directions to the nearest
hotel, the grease-monkey opens the trunk
to swap out the spare -- but gets an unwelcome
surprise instead! Seized by a giant claw,
the victim is yanked into the trunk, where
he is quickly devoured. Now on the loose,
the Lobster Man enters the cafe and turns
a nasty looking weapon on the occupants
and pulls the trigger -- and when the
smoke clears, all that remains of the
victims are a couple of smoldering

in their hotel room, John and Mary watch a
special report about the attack on the
cafe. Believing Martians were behind the
attack, reporter Dick Strange interviews
noted astronomer, Professor F. Plocostomos
(Patrick MacNee). But the
Professor's answer to every wildly
speculative question is a succinct no; it
would be impossible, he insists, for
Martians to come to Earth because,
according his theory, the only life on
Mars are Giant Martian Clams. Well, it
urns out this crackpot is actually John's
Uncle Freddy. And with that revelation,
Sledge steps out of the closet,
blurts some more hard-boiled chatter, and
then goes back in. Elsewhere, the gas
station owner, whom I thought was dead,
tries to eat sandwich, but only manages
one bite before his chest bursts open,
allowing a couple of cackling Martian
bat-creatures to worm their way out of his
innards, who then flutter off into the
night until zeroing in on the local
Lover's Lane, where the creepy critters
run several sorties, attacking several
unsuspecting couples.
next morning, John and Mary are
disappointed when the pictures they took
come back blank. And though John insists
it was the radiation from the ship, Mary
openly wonders if he forgot to take the
lens cap off. (John
really isn't the brightest bulb in the
world.) Retrieving their car
from the still not dead mechanic, the
couple head over to Professor Plocostomos'
Institute. On the way, though, the car
becomes possessed and runs itself, and
them, off the road. And when they get out
John and Mary are confronted by something
definitely not of this Earth!

from this deadly menace, the Lobster Man
sics Mambo on them. Now, Mambo looks like
a gorilla sporting some silver moon boots,
topped off with an antenna-adorned deap-sea
diving helmet for a head, and this
familiarly looking robot monster quickly
catches up with his prey. As the villain mercilessly
pounds on John, Mary comes to the rescue
by pulling the monster's air hose loose.
Having escaped the clutches of these
Martian no-goodniks,
the couple presses on and finds the
Professor. When told about the Lobster
Man, Plocostomos
is thrilled that his Clam theory was
fairly close -- as the Martians are
apparently crustaceans. Asked if he knows
how to stop them, Plocostomos
is quick to respond that he just found
about the monster not five minutes ago, so
how the hell should he know? He does put
in a call to Ankrum, but discovers the
Colonel has left to investigate the
alleged crash site.
to the cave, Ankrum sends his detail,
consisting of one man, into the cave to
flush out the Martians. Watching the
soldier enter the cave and disappear,
Ankrum soon hears a firefight deep within
before the soldier stumbles back out,
falls to the ground, and disintegrates,
leaving the familiar skeletal remains.

one of the cackling bat-creatures attacks
Ankrum, who swats at it with his pistol. (Try
firing the damn thing, Colonel Knothead!)
Quickly wising up, Ankrum draws a bead and
blows it out of the sky. (He
must have hit the wire holding it up.)
And as a tinny, Moog version of Patton's
theme kicks in, Ankrum celebrates this
great victory over the Martian scourge
before he quickly retreats. (USA!
USA! USA!) Taking the bat
creature's corpse to Plocostomos,
the men send Mary off to the kitchen to
make some tea while they study the
remains. (They
have a habit of sending Mary off to the
kitchen whenever she asks a very pertinent
just wants to flush the thing down the
toilet and be rid of it, but Plocostomos
believes the creature must be preserved
and studied, and even postulates that
isn't even dead and is currently
regenerating itself. Regardless, Ankrum
still insists that they flush first ask
questions later. But, the creature comes
back to life, settling
this great debate. It quickly takes flight
and starts attacking. And while the others
try to beat it down, the creature zeroes
in on John. Once again, Mary saves his
hash, inadvertently this time, when the
bat crashes into her tray and is covered
in hot tea, which, very messily, causes it
to disintegrates all over the floor.
only has Mary saved John, again, but she
has also saved mankind, according to Plocostomos.
When the others don't get it, the
Professor pops in a tape that shows a cook
putting a lobster into a pot of boiling
water. John, bless him, is still confused,
but Ankrum swears he can get four crack
divisions armed with pots of boiling water
with only one phone call. But fearing they
won't be able to keep the water hot enough
to do any significant damage that way,
Plocostomos has a better, albeit more
convoluted, plan. Now, to be more
convoluted than 10,000 men armed with
hot-water bottles must be something
special, right? Well, how's this: Herr
Professor wants to lure the Lobster Man to
the Throckmorton mansion, a haunted house,
located near several hot springs. Once
they get him there, they can toss him in
and let nature take its course. (Now
bring on the drawn butter!)
doesn't really like the idea but agrees to
gives them six hours to try before he
sends in the hot-water brigade -- and some
artillery. Unfortunately, the other
Martian bat was spying on them and relates
the plan back to the Lobster Man, whose
been busy raiding the showers of a nearby
girl's dormitory. Anyways ... Rumored
to have a working torture chamber
somewhere behind it's walls, Plocostomos
John and Mary a quick and contradictory
haunted history lesson behind the
Throckmorton mansion that doesn't make a
lick of sense. Upon arrival, the butler
lets them in and introduces them to the
last of the Throckmortons (Billy
Barty!), who leads them in
a séance as he tries to channel the
spirits of the house. Here, things start
flying around the room but we quickly find
out it's a scam, with the butler making it
all happen from a secret room. Luckily,
the objects only bounce of John's [empty]
head. But while the butler keeps
throwing switches, Mambo sneaks in and
knocks him out. Meanwhile, the
Lobster Man breaks in next and uses his
ray-gun on Throckmorton. The others
retreat, but only the men make it outside,
where Ankrum and his stock footage army
wait to bomb the house. Not realizing that
Mary is still trapped inside, currently
wrapped up in the Lobster Man's tentacles
(-- and since when do lobsters have
tentacles?), the
order is given and the house is
obliterated. When John finally realizes
that Mary was still inside, Ankrum
consoles him, saying she died for her
country. Then Sledge shows up, from out of
nowhere, and points out some glittering
footprints leading away; so, unless the
Lobster Man walked backwards to this
bonfire, he escaped. With that notion,
John holds out hope that Mary got away,

at the cave, the Lobster Man convinces
Mary that he fled Mars because of the
invading Bunny-Men from Neptune, and how
he only wants to be left alone in his
cave. He even lets her go so she can bring
the others back for a friendly lunch. To
be lunch, that is ... When the others find
she tells them about the Lobster Man's sob
story. But the Professor doesn't buy it,
and then, incredibly -- make that incredulously,
makes a connection between Neptunian
Bunny-Men and the Martian plot to steal
Earth's air supply.
(If that happens how are we supposed to
make love out of nothing at all?) With
his deception-shtick foiled,
the Lobster Man and Mambo put their
atmosphere-machines on auto-suck and go
out to eat. They attack our heroes and
commandeer Ankrum's jeep, but the aliens
have a little trouble driving a stick.
This gives the Earthlings enough time to
escape and find another vehicle. As the
monsters give chase, they all pass an
entrance sign for Yellowstone National
Park -- and I could probably stop ye
review right now because I'm fairly faithful
that we all know how this old movie
is going to end. But, since we're almost
done, I'll stick with.
the Earthling's jeep overheats, forcing
them to stop, Plocostomos concocts yet
another hair-brained plan ... Using Mary
as bait to sucker the Martians in closer,
the men manage to direct the boiling water
out of the radiator and spray it all over
Mambo, who dissolves into an even bigger
mess than that bat-critter. Alas, they've
run out water, forcing them to flee from
the wrathful Lobster Man. And as he closes
in on Mary, they both run past a sign
pointing toward Old Faithful. Realizing
where she is, the ever resourceful girl
tries to lure the monster closer to the
geyser before it erupts. Nearby, John
realizes it's still two minutes before the
geyser pops off again and offers himself
up as a better meal than the
chicken-legged and flat-chested Mary. When
the Lobster Man counters, saying Mary is
only an appetizer, John checks his watch
again, thinking the geyser should have
erupted by now. Alas, he realizes too late
that his watch has stopped again, and the
last thing John hears is a deathly cackle
before the Lobster Man blasts him with his

horrified Mary watches as John
disintegrates. Undaunted, she manages to
lure the Lobster Man to right on top of
the geyser before it finally erupts and,
caught in the wash, out main monster makes
the grandest mess of them all ... When the
villian finally stops bubbling, Plocostomos
console Mary over her loss. Ankrum,
meanwhile, states the geyser got him. But
it wasn't the geyser, the Professor
insists, the Lobster Man just got too
crabby. (Wanh-wahn-wahn-wahahahahahn.)
puts in a final appearance, too, but his
speech is interrupted when John's skeleton
starts to glow, and the power of the
cheese-dick ending puts right everything
the Lobster Man wronged as everyone who
fell victim to the mad Martian is magically
resurrected. And as the young couple
embrace, the narrator assures us they all
lived happily ever after.
the lights come up in the screening room,
Sheldrake happily agrees to take on
Horowitz's *ahem* "unique" film,
and sends the boy genuis to his accountant
to sign the proper papers. Thinking all of
his problems are solved, Sheldrake could
never conceive that Lobster Man From
Mars would become a monster hit.
Sheldrake is ruined, and Horowitz takes
over the studio and starts to work on Lobster
Man at the Circus.
Man From Mars was a film that took two
weeks to write but ten years to film. The
tandem of Stanley Sheff and Bob Greenberg
originally had the idea back in 1979, when
they both worked on The Orson Wells
Show. It was Wells himself who
inspired the title, a reference to his old
War of the Worlds broadcast that he
always called The Lobster Man from Mars
Show. For almost a decade Sheff and
Greenberg tried to get their script
produced but the financing always fell
through. In the meantime, Greenberg helped
with Bruce Kimmel's production of another
sci-fi parody,
The Creature Wasn't Nice a/k/a Naked
Space. (The
title change was either to cash in on star
Leslie Nielson's Naked
films or Kimmel's earlier The
First Nudie Musical.)
Finally, a solid investor put up some
money and filming commenced at last. And
the budget increased when a deal was cut
for the film's video rights, based solely
on some completed footage -- so the film
had already made a profit before it was
even finished.
film is a throwback but is still chock
full of anachronisms. Is this supposed to
be the '50s? Sledge has his funny moments
but rightly seems out of place. Sheff, who
was producing a comedy special with Sledge
at the time, felt the comedian was so
funny that he just had to get him in the
film. Truthfully, if they would've just
altered his PI shtick ever so slightly,
and geared it more towards a morally
draconian narcotics officer, from the
Juvenile Delinquent movies of the same
time period, he might have fit in better
but that's just picking a nit. Beyond
that, this homage is spot on with its
characters, clichés and crappy special
effects. You can see the wires used to
animate the bat creatures, and that really
is a sparkler jammed into the UFOs tail
pipe. The only thing that was missing was
a visible zipper on the Lobster Man's
if the film has one fault, it would
probably be trying to stuff too many
references/sub-genres in. It's already
difficult to pull off these pastiche and
parodies of old sci-fi and monster movies.
The built in audience for these things can
be tricky and hard to please. Most of us
are pretty easy, though, if the film's
heart is in the right place, and this
loving homage to all those gonzoidal,
budget strapped epics won me over rather
the B-flick references in this movie would
take a while to list but here are the most
obvious: Colonel Ankrum is in reference to
actor Morris Ankrum, who always played the
General in these things. There are nods to
Monster [Mambo and the cave], It
Came From Outer Space [the
glittering foot-prints] and Invasion of
the Saucer Men young couple find a UFO
but no one will be believe them]. And Throckmorton's
séance is right out of Ed Wood's Night
of the Ghouls,
and there's a hint at Roger Corman's Poe
films, with its haunted history and
mention of a torture chamber. Brain-X
is a nod to Invaders From Mars, and
his jive talk is derived from The Day
the Earth Stood Still. The Martian
bats were inspired by It
Conquered the World and its
autopsy is straight out of The Thing
From Another World. And the monster's
gruesome demise is a combination of Fiend
Without a Face and Day of the
Triffids. But the film probably owes
the biggest debt to Teenagers From
Outer Space for the skeltonizing gun. I
mean, maybe the Lobster Man is a distant
cousin of the Gargan? They're both
crustaceans after all.
all those gooey and tasty elements in a
blender and punch puree, and you'll
probably wind up with either a real big
mess or, if you're lucky, you'll wind up
with something as entertaining as Lobster
Man From Mars.