begin with a voiceover by Stan Lee (--
warning each and every viewer about the
possibility of mutants; people born (--
or cursed --)
with extraordinary powers, living among
us. Luckily, he says, there are good
mutants and bad mutants. And while the
good mutants just want to coexist, the
evil ones kinda wanna take over the world
and subjugate mankind. That said, we zero
in on an armored convoy escorting a large
tanker truck. Inside, the military
authorities are transporting Magneto (--
pronounced either Mag-neat-oh, or
Mag-net-oh, or Mac-nug-get),
the most evil of mutants, to parts
unknown. But after Colonel Jaffe lets
Magneto know how he really feels -- that
all mutants should be wiped off the face
of the planet -- the convoy comes under
the psychic assault of the White Queen;
another evil mutant, who manages to run
the armed escort off the road and disrupt
the power supply to Magneto’s
containment field, allowing the Master of
Magnetism to strut his stuff as he tears
apart the metal tanker, like tissue paper,
and makes his escape.

halfway across the country, young Kitty
Pryde’s taxi ride comes to an end at the
gates of a certain Westchester mansion.
However, it's quite apparent that Ms.
Pryde (Kath Soucie) isn’t
so sure about the mysterious invitation to
come here and is having second thoughts.
But the taxi driver won’t wait around
because, apparently, a bunch of
"freaks" live in that mansion
and roars off. Left alone, Kitty
rereads the invite. Seems the sender
somehow knew about her special
power: the ability to walk through solid
objects (--
a/k/a phasing.)
Then, the front door opens and the
wheel-chair bound Professor Charles Xavier
welcomes the young visitor inside, where
he starts to give her the tour of his
School for Gifted Youngsters. When he
tells Kitty that she is a mutant, like
him, the girl confides her
"gift" is a
curse but Xavier thinks differently. Asked
how he found out about said powers, Xavier
reveals Cerebro -- a mutant detector/super
computer. She then gets his sales pitch
about the band of do-gooders he’s
assembled: the X-Men, who right wrongs and
fight for mutant tolerance and acceptance.
isn’t sold outright, but the tour and
sales pitch continues as her host shows
her the famed Danger Room, where his
students train and hone their gifts. (Think
of the Holo-Deck from Star
Appearing to be set on Tomb
as the X-Men raid a Mayan Temple, they
must avoid giant rock creatures,
carnivorous plants and nasty deathtraps.
And while Kitty watches from the control
room, Professor X introduces his X-Men:

is team-leader, Cyclops, who can shoot destructive
beams from his eyes; and the Dazzler can
transform sound into laser beams;
Colossus, meanwhile, has great strength
and can transform his body into living
steel; and though he can stick to just
about anything, Nightcrawler's true power
is teleportation; Storm can ride the winds
and command the weather; and lastly is
Wolverine, our favorite psychotic
Canucklehead with the claws. (Who
for some inexplicable reason has an even
thicker Australian accent than
the last time we saw him.
More on this in a second...) Xavier
then reveals his own telepathic
powers, which, frankly, kinda creeps the
girl out until he assures Kitty that he
doesn’t pry into people’s minds.
Unfortunately, whatever ground her host
might have been gaining is lost when
Nightcrawler teleports into the control
room because his demonic appearance --
complete with fangs, deformed digits, and forked tail,
frightens Kitty. (Or
maybe it's his German accent?) To
top that off, when the other X-Men join
them and Xavier introduces Kitty, all are
cordial except Wolverine -- seems the
nasty little cobber has got a snit in his
didgeridoo about letting a kid on the
team. Anyways...
an alarm klaxon goes off, signaling
trouble of an evil mutant variety has just
erupted somewhere. And so, the X-Men,
minus Kitty and Professor X, roar off in
the Blackbird to answer this distress
call. But after
they clear out, the X-Mansion comes under
attack by Magneto and the monstrous
Juggernaut. (Who
we all remember from Marvel Comics 101 is
Professor X’s half-brother.)
As they bust their way inside, Kitty
accidentally phases through the control
board and shorts out the mansion's defense
systems. His victory now assured, Magneto announces that
he’s after Cerebro’s "power-circuit." Thus, Xavier gives the
vital piece of equipment to Kitty and
orders her to keep it away from Magneto at
all costs. And while
the Juggernaut brings the control room
crashing down around Xavier, Magneto
chases after Kitty, whose underdeveloped
powers prove no match for him. Still,
once caught, he offers the girl a place in
his ranks but she refuses. Shocking her
unconscious, then, the dastardly villain
absconds with the coveted power-circuit.

the rest of the X-Men find two more of
Magneto’s Brotherhood of Evil Mutants --
the Blob, whose
power should be obvious, and Pyro (--
another Aussie),
who can control fire -- at an astrological
observatory. In the ensuing dust-up, the
X-Men save the astronomer and his family,
but the Blob and Pyro escape with the
information they needed on the Scorpio
Comet ... Returning to find the X-Mansion rubbished,
the strike team happily find
Professor X and Kitty still alive, and,
after comparing notes, their mentor
reaches out telepathically to try and find
out what Magneto’s intentions are and
why he stole the power-circuit ... We cut
to Asteroid-M, Magneto’s secret hideout,
orbiting above the Earth, where the
Brotherhood has assembled, including the
White Queen, the Blob, Pyro, Juggernaut
and the Toad -- a grotesque little
gargoyle blessed with great agility. (X-Fans
will also spot Lockheed the dragon
fluttering around for some reason, who is
the victim of much abuse from Magneto and
Toad.) Plugging
the pilfered power-circuit into a cosmic
do-dad, Magneto then steps onto a platform
and powers it up with his magnetism.
Meanwhile, Xavier mentally
"watches" as the device
amplifies and focuses his rival's powers
as he reaches out and snares the Scorpio
Comet, which he sets on a crash course
with the Earth!
seen enough, Xavier breaks contact and
assembles his troops for an assault on
Asteroid-M. Again, the mission will be far
too dangerous and Kitty, despite all
protests, must stay behind. Meantime, all
the other X-Men mount up and launch the
Blackbird for a deadly rendezvous with
Magneto ... As they
approach the asteroid, the X-Men suit up
for a little extra-vehicular jump. Using
their powers they manage to breach the
Asteroid-M's defenses and get inside. Back
inside the cockpit, Professor X watches
their progress, and then calls for Kitty
to come out of hiding, knowing the whole
time she had stowed away. Only wanting to
pitch in and help, Professor X admires her
spunk and tells her to be careful as she
follows the X-Men inside. Once she catches
up, the team tries to make there way to
the control room, but, one by one, their
numbers are whittled down as they engage
the evil mutants separately. (Colossus
takes on the Juggernaut. Dazzler takes on
Pyro etc...)
Soon, all that’s left is Kitty and
Nightcrawler for the main assault on
Magneto and his machine.

and under the telepathic lead of Professor
X, the two attack, with Kitty doing most
of the damage as she phases through the
machine, causing it to go haywire. And
when Magneto strikes back, he accidentally
severs the main power line, making things
even more critical because I don't have to
remind you that they're all trapped on a
rock floating in space, right? Right. So,
Professor X orders Nightcrawler, who’s
still in his insulated space suit, to
become a human fuse-conductor to keep the
power flowing. To make matters even more
dire, well, you all remember that comet,
right? Right. Get this: Kitty’s phasing
has also, somehow, reversed the polarity
and now the Scorpio Comet is on a direct
crash-course with Asteroid-M!
he makes his escape, Magneto can't help
but gloat over how his enemies may have
won the battle but lost the war because
Nightcrawler must continue the power flow
or the comet will revert to its original
crash course with Earth, meaning he’s as
good as dead. But Kitty won’t leave
Nightcrawler when Professor X orders her
back to the Blackbird with the others.
Assured he has a plan, she finally
relents, but it’s going to require
precise timing. When all the others make
it back to the ship (--
with Lockheed in tow),
Professor X forms a mental link with
Nightcrawler that allows him to teleport
off the asteroid in the knick of time
before it and the comet goes kablooey ... Unfortunately,
the distance was too far and Nightcrawler
didn’t make it. And as he tumbles into
the atmosphere and starts to burn up in
reentry, the Blackbird races to his rescue
but they appear to be too late.

with grief over the loss of their comrade,
Kitty is hit the hardest because she
treated Nightcrawler so badly. Suddenly,
they hear something coming from the hold.
Colossus opens the hatch and is happy to
find his little tovarisch, alive
and well. Seems Nightcrawler managed to
teleport again before burning up. Thus,
the episode ends as the X-Men return to
Earth and officially welcome Kitty into
their ranks -- although Wolverine, by
crikey, still isn’t so sure if she can
pull her weight. Whatever, Crocodile
lot of people mistake Pryde of the
X-Men as the pilot for Fox's highly
successful X-Men cartoon
that premiered around 1992
-- if memory serves right. That's
understandable, but a misconception
nonetheless. They're close. This was a
pilot episode, but it was the pilot for
the first and failed attempt at bringing
Marvel's famed mutants to the small screen
in 1989.
had been rumors and rumblings of an X-Men
cartoon as early as 1984. On the heels of
the highly successful Spider-man
and His Amazing Friends animated
series, the proposed series was set to
spring from the team's two cameo
appearances in that cartoon and would
feature Cyclops, Sprite, Storm, Wolverine,
Thunderbird, Colossus, Nightcrawler and
Video Man. Yes, Video Man -- a character
that made his debut on Spider-man's
cartoon. I
can't explain it, either, people; folks
just had Space Invaders and Pac Man on the
brain back then. That incarnation never
came to fruition, but the popularity of
the team only increased on the newsstands.
Marvel Productions then tried again, when
they commissioned Toei studios
to scrap the 13th planned episode of RoboCop:
the Animated Series and use the
aborted funds for an X-Men pilot
Word spread quickly through the comic
vine, and we eager fan boys and girls
waited impatiently to see it. And waited.
And then waited some more.
things were getting a little dicey at
Marvel Productions. And though the pilot
was completed, New World Pictures, who
owned Marvel at the time, was going
through some massive financial woes, which
eventually forced them to sell the company
to the Andrews Group, who quickly pulled
the plug on all of Marvels animated
adventures, save for the highly popular Muppet
Babies. Thus, the X-Men pilot
kinda got lost in the shuffle. Rumor has
it that it did actually air once, and only
once, but I, along with almost everyone
else, missed it, bringing its very
existence into question until an eventual
release on home video, when the entire
country went completely X-Men
bonkers in 1991.
is also one other amazing coincidence
concerning the release of the video: it
directly coincided with the release of Kanomi's
X-Men Arcade game that just happened to
feature the same team line-up and they
fought the same bad guys (--
plus a few others. I seem to recall the
Wendigo and a guy who I think was The
Living Monolith.) So
was this finally released just to be a
22-minute long commercial for the video
game? When you consider the slam bang
plot -- these are the characters, here's
what they can do, now watch them kick
butt -- it might as well have been. But
remember, this was a pilot trying to
introduce everybody and get the ball
fans at the time of the release might have
been scratching their heads at the line-up
of characters: Where was Rogue? And
Gambit? And the Beast? I don't know where
Rogue was. But when it was made, Gambit
hadn't been invented yet and the Beast was
trying to form The New Defenders with
his old buddies, Iceman and the Angel --
that only I and about three other diehard
Valkyrie fans were reading. My favorite
X-Man has always been Cyclops, despite the
efforts of every scribe since Chris
Claremont to make him look
like a complete tool to make Wolverine
look cooler. (In
the old days, Cyke was one of the few guys
who could tell Wolverine to shut his cake
hole and live to tell about it.)
Now, I do like Wolverine but I liked him
better when he was a complete mental case
and always one wrong look away from
disemboweling everyone in the room. And
speaking of everyone's favorite
covert-Canadian super-assassin, it's high
time we got to the bottom of his asinine
accent of origin. Ten
years before the movie Fargo
made talking like a Yooper in vogue der,
eh, some genius exec decided to make the
character an Australian instead of a
hosehead from the Great White North. And,
believe it or not, back in the 1980's,
with the soaring popularity of The Road
Warrior and Crocodile Dundee,
there was a concentrated effort at Marvel
to make Wolverine an Australian expatriate
by way of Canada to cash in. However you
feel about this phenomenon, the experiment
only made it as far as these first view
animated adventures before the plug from
down under got pulled.
be fair, I didn't care for the
constipated approach the voice actor
used in the later Fox series, either.
for the bad guys? They're an odd mish-mash
of the old Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and
the newer version. Magneto founded the
original one with the hypnotic Mastermind,
the Blob, Toad and the force field
projecting Unus. Later, the shape-changing
Mystique founded a newer version that
included the Blob, Pyro, the earth moving
Avalanche, the clairvoyant Destiny and
Rogue, who eventually switched sides. The
White Queen, meanwhile, was part of
Sebastian Shaw's Hellfire Club, which
consisted of several more evil mutants,
who took their titles from chess pieces.
Shaw was the Black King and Jean Grey,
a/k/a Marvel Girl, was warped into being
the Black Queen that led to the classic Dark
Phoenix Saga
in the comics. Honestly, I don't have a
problem with her being included here.
She's definitely better to look at then
the homely Mastermind. But Juggernaut's
inclusion is a puzzler -- he isn't even a
mutant. He was transformed by the mystical
ruby of Cytorak, and, when not trying to
kill his step-brother, hangs around with
Black Tom Cassidy, the Banshee's evil
brother. That's me shrugging right now.
touched on the barely perfunctory story
already, but, wow, it sure does look
great. The animation, courtesy of Toei, is
really quite beautiful. And
if it looks kind of familiar to you, it
should. It's the same, high-gloss style
you saw on the early G.I.
and The
Yeah, Toei was the king of 1980's
animation as far as I'm concerned, where
they teamed up with Marvel Comics and
Hasbro for several animated adventures;
or, depending on your point of view,
half-hour long toy commercials. Sadly, Pryde
of the X-Men would be Marvel's last
joint venture with Toei, and the later
series really suffered for it; unless you
actually preferred the 'roided out look of
what followed -- with one notable
exception, X-Men: Evolution ... Sharp
ears will also hear the familiar voices of
Michael Bell, Neil Ross, Frank Welker and
Kathy Soucie. The same voices you heard in
those aforementioned G.I.
Joe and The Transformers
it all up, this
aborted first attempt at an X-Men
cartoon gets a lot of things right but
gets some other things horribly wrong. It
looks great but just fizzles, story wise
as the characters comes off a little too
one-dimensional. Kitty's too whiny,
Wolverine gargles on some phlegm before
spewing every line, and the villains were
just lame. Given time, I think they could
have hammered it out better, but, for
that, they'd have to wait another four