The Unknown Movies


Here are some of my favorite links to movie and non-movie sites. If you would like your page added to this list, please add a link to The Unknown Movies Page on your website and then contact me at
bailey88 {at} telus DOT net


3B Theater
A labor of love to the "B" movie, this site goes through the decades to tell us what movies of this kind have been inflicted on mankind for the better or for the worse. What's even more special about the site is that the movies are rated by another kind of "B" we all love - beer!

Ain't It Cool News
THE site for movie geeks, and the one that has received all the press. People have criticized Harry for "selling out", but to tell the truth, if I was all of a sudden thrust in that spotlight, I'd take everything I could get. All articles written in an amusing "geek-friendly" tongue.

Looking for a specific movie on VHS or DVD? How about a soundtrack, or some other CD? A book or a magazine? Toys? Electronics? Video games? Well, if it's commercially available, AMAZON almost certainly stocks it!

And You Call Yourself A Scientist!
Mad scientist Liz shows that you don't have to be male to appreciate science fiction, horror, fantasy, and other such movies. Site shows a great deal of knowledge of these movies, with very in-depth reviews going down to the finer details, showing what makes each movie work or fail.

And You Thought It Was Safe!
Dr. Psy Chosis is determined to review every movie ever made. And he is making excellent progress, writing several full-length reviews every month, covering every genre you can think of. And if you've made a movie he doesn't like, watch out - he's brutal! Check out his reviews of Batman & Robin and Nemesis to see what I mean.

Artsmagic Video
A one stop place from the UK to shop for all your Samurai movie needs!

Bad Cinema Diary
My kind of page! It's also devoted to the review of obscure movies. Not just the modern kind, but also "classics" from the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and 00s! If you can't wait for your weekly fix of The Unknown Movies, this is a good substitute.

Bad Movie Night
A collection of surprisingly well-written reviews from many contributors, this site is devoted to bad movies, both so-bad-they're-good and so-bad-they're-BAD.

Bad Movie Report
Sponsored by Stomp Tokyo, this site reviews every week a new movie, and not just the bad. In some ways like The Unknown Movies, but reviewing both well-known movies and movies so obscure even I haven't heard of them!
Not only has this site picked a wonderful selection of bad movies, but it provides selected pictures, sounds, and movie clips for each movie!

Beyond Hollywood
Not just mainstream movie reviews, but a great deal of reviews for Asian and B-studio product!

The B-Movie Film Vault
What kind of B-movie reviews are locked up in here? Take a look for yourself!

There are Canadian directors who have the courage to spit in the faces of those namby-pamby artiste directors, and make real movies. This site is a salute to them!

The CineFiles
Reviews of "A" and "B" movies, articles, and more!

Cold Fusion Video Reviews
Even if it had a different name, this would still be one cool site! For anyone like me who loves unknown movies, this is one site you absolutely must check out.

Comeuppance Reviews
Any movie review web site that really loves '80s and '90s action movies is a great site in my book!
A well-balanced site that has ratings and reviews for both mainstream and direct-to-video movies, and of all kinds of genres.

Dante's Inferno And All Night Video Store
A kindred spirit! This site reviews the exact kinds of movies that The Unknown Movies reviews! Sleazy action, blood-and-guts horror, warped sci-fi, and the like! Hilarious and informative reviews!

Dark Horizons
Sort of like Ain't It Cool News, but written in a more sober tongue. Neither site is overall better than the other, so choose the site according to your mood.

Doom Cheez Cinema
Ziggy of Ziggy's Video Realm returns with this new movie review web site, reviewing movies from all different genres!

Films From Beyond The Time Barrier
Another site looking at movie obscurities, focusing on B movies from the '30s to the '70s.

The Godzilla Saga
Everything you ever wanted to know about the big G!

Hidden Films
Similar to The Unknown Movies, this site also seeks out movies to review that are rare and obscure.

Internet Movie Data Base
Why write to some movie answer column in your paper about "What's that movie with Charles Bronson and Vincent Price?" when you could take five seconds and look it up in a movie book? Or you could go to this site.

Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension
Amazing. This guy writes everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) that he finds amusing or unbelievable in bad movies. How he has the time to write his endless (but never boring) reviews is beyond me. New reviews are infrequent, but worth the wait.

Jacksonville Beach Movie Revue
If you're in a hurry and need some "top picks" for a specific movie genre, stop on by here.

Monkeyhouse Lounge
This site is pretty new, but it's been pretty darn impressive so far, with already a good sample of what's new in the B movie world!

Movie Review Query Engine
In a way like the Internet Movie Data Base, but just listing all the reviews out there for the movie you are inquiring about. A good backup if the IMDB has no reviews for the movie you are curious about.

Movies In The Attic
Do you have a taste for action? This site almost certainly has reviewed whatever action-oriented movie you are considering renting, from big-budget blockbusters to those that go directly to video!

The Mutant Reviewers From Hell
Another nice mix of reviews of mainstream movies, the independent, and the offbeat. With more than one reviewer, there's probably enough movies for anyone's taste to make this worth a look.

Oh, The Humanity!
A favorite site for many, and one of the better known "worst movies" sites out there, these guys have an abundance of reviews for movies of many different genres.

Opposable Thumb Films
You'll find B movie reviews here, a lot of them being unknown movies like the ones reviewed at this site. With a unique rating system that uses David Hasselhoff to judge how watchable each movie is. I admire any reviewer that managed to watch the movie Shotgun and lived!

Prison Flicks
Specializing in movies both new and old concerning...guess...

Roger Ebert (Chicago Sun-Times)
Let's get it straight: Roger is "the one with glasses". Anyway, why should you shell out $20+ dollars for his annual review book when you can read all his reviews since 1985 for free right here?

Rogue Cinema
Covering the independent, cult, and low budget cinema scene

Search My Trash
Vast database of rare, obscure and hard-to-find movies from all genres, from around, and from the early sound era until pretty much today

Sofa Gothic
Horror, sci-fi, underground and cult movie reviews

Stomp Tokyo
One of the best movie sites for "B" and cult movies, not just those where Tokyo gets stomped. Thoughtful reviews of these kind of movies as well as mainstream. Updates frequently, so keep checking back there.

Strictly Splatter
Though it should come as no surprise that this site is devoted to horror movies, a pleasant surprise is that it looks at horror movies not just made in North America!

Subterranean Cinema
Looking for a really obscure movie? This is the place to go!

Teleport City
Not just reviews of the best B movies (with a healthy number of Italian and Hong Kong flicks), but gives a good look at, well, everything else!

The Video Graveyard
Devoted to horror movies, this site has (at last count) over 1000(!) brief but to the point reviews, as well as some other cool stuff. If you are interested in horror, and are having a hard time finding reviews for your more obscure choices, then this site is a must.

The Walrus Movie Page - Movies For Trade Or Sale
This simple page gets right to the point with its immediate showing of the LONG list of movies (both obscure and better known) it has for trade or sale. And at reasonable prices! Includes movie reviews.

Previously, there has been very little written about the director of such movies as Abby, Grizzly, The Manitou, and the legendary Three On A Meathook. This site makes up for the years of neglect by revealing everything you always wanted to know about the man and his work!

The Z Review
Not just reviews of the worst movies out there! A good site to take some time to wander around in.

The Comics I Don't Understand Page
Ever read a comic strip that left you scratching your head? This site (updated weekly), publishes the most confusing comics of the week, and invites people to try and figure them out.

The Straight Dope
Who is that "John 3:16" guy? Was John Wayne a draft dodger? Why is s**t brown? These questions and others like them are answered here by Cecil Adams, who will answer anything.

Urban Legends Reference Pages
Did some kiddie radio show host really say on air, "That ought to hold the little bastards"? Is Bill Gates really asking you to help him with a new software program? Should we still still send cards to that kid sick with cancer or leukemia? This page gets to the bottom of these rumors!

WWWF Fights
Who would win in a fight: The Starship Enterprise or The Death Star? The Spice Girls or The Village People? Gary Coleman or Emmanuel Lewis? See readers' opinions and votes, and help decide the latest bout!

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