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E-mail Guidelines


I have always welcomed (and still do!) getting e-mails that concern:

- Feedback (like trivia, or positive/negative comments) concerning any particular review or something else that's site-related
- Feedback from people involved one way or another with a movie I reviewed
- Filmmakers offering to send copies of their movies in return for reviews
- Freelance work offers
- Suggestions of movies I should review

...and other normal and reasonable stuff like that. (See the letters on the letters page for more examples.)

However, there are certain questions I will no longer answer. I will NOT answer questions that essentially ask me to do uncompensated research or uncompensated work - questions like "Where can I buy this movie?" or "I saw this movie a long time ago, what's the title?" or "Where can I find this video company?" or "Could you give me some information regarding this movie?" I no longer have the time to do uncompensated research or uncompensated work.

I am sorry I have to put up any kind of e-mail restriction (and to be so forceful about it), but I have been bombarded by people essentially asking me to do their research and work for them. What makes it especially unbearable is that when I e-mailed them back with answers to their questions after doing their research and work, 90% of the time I didn't even get a "thank you" back from them.

But if you do want to write in with something that fits the guidelines...

...please e-mail Greywizard at:
bailey88 {at} telus DOT net!