Robo Vampire
Director: Joe
Cast: Robin MacKay, Nian Watts, Harry Mytes
When the name "Tomas Tang" is brought up in everyday
conversation, the immediate thought of the average Joe is something
along the lines of "Oh, he was one of the main guys behind a lot of
those crazy Ninja movies that came out of Hong Kong in the '80s." I've
previously written about two of those movies - Ninja Champion and Ninja: Silent Assassin, which, like
their brethren, cut in newly-filmed footage of western actors playing
ninjas into footage from other movies that were never finished. The
bizarre results could only have come out of those '80s.
The ninja phenomenon died in the 90s, and with it disappeared Italian
superstar Richard Harrison (who appeared in most of these hybrid ninja
movies), and it seems that Tang's frequent collaborators Godfrey Ho and
Joseph Lai went their own ways. So what could a now-alone Tang do, with
western audiences finding ninjas passé, as well as a sign that a movie
with them from Hong Kong is to be regarded with suspicion? The
immediate answers: rip off not just one but
two completely different genres, in the process doing more mixing of
unfinished filming with new footage. As well throw in a few more
western actors into the movie to disguise the "Asianess" of the
results. Well, it's clear from the end results that the movie was made
in Asia, because no other filmmaking culture could make a movie as
flabbergasting, berserk, insane, and stark raving mad as this one. This
is another of those movies where the best way to review it is to simply
describe what happens.
The movie opens in a graveyard that's looking pretty desecrated, with
the stonework crumbling and a few coffins (which the gravediggers
apparently forgot to bury) starting to rot. Into this bleak landscape,
two machine-gun wielding Caucasian soldiers, wearing combat outfits
right off the Value Village rack, escort their Asian prisoner. The
whole place is so creepy, that when the soldiers see a snake several
feet away, they empty half a clip into the poor reptile, making it blow
up real good before our eyes. Before we find out who any of these
people are, what they are doing there etc., they are attacked - by
vampires. Now, that may not sound unusual by itself, but these are
Asian vampires, and they are quite different than the European kind.
Among other things:
(1) They dress in ancient cumbersome Chinese clothing, including very
big hats
(2) Their faces appear to be covered with globs of chewed black
(3) They usually keep their arms straight up before them, like you see
with sleepwalkers
(4) They get around by hopping. They "walk-hop" if they want to get to
something a few feet away, or hop up several feet in the air if they
want to get to something above them. No walking, running, or flying -
just hopping. (Those familiar with Hong Kong movies will already
know that seeing hopping vampires in Asian cinema is not unusual.)
As different as these vampires may be, they are still quite deadly,
easily shrugging off the bullets the soldiers fire into them. While the
prisoner escapes, the first soldier is strangled, and his corpse drops
down to the ground with his tongue sticking out of his mouth as far as
it can go. Despite a valiant struggle, the second soldier is soon
overcome, and a huge chunk of flesh is bitten off of his neck. Much
better than black bubblegum.
Afterwards, there is a (very vague) suggestion that the two soldiers
were part of an anti-drug force. We next see soldiers in similar garb
catch a group of criminals making a drug delivery at a beach, and then
the soldiers (apparently) gun down these unarmed and surrendering
criminals. Two of them manage to escape back to their hideout, where
they shamefully await Kull, their boss, to chew them out. Instead, Kull
suddenly blurts out, "Listen - we must find a way to handle Tom, that
goddamn anti-drug agent....I've employed a Taoist - he'll train
vampires to deal with him!" That seems to wash well with everyone
there, so the meeting more or less ends at that point, with a last
mention that a Tony and a Ken will watch over the Taoist vampires.
Tony and Ken are quite a duo, as we see when the action
subsequently cuts to a temple full of vampires in suspended animation
(a piece of paper with Chinese writing stuck to their hats and hanging
in front of their faces keeps them in check.) Tony, for one, is able to
speak quite clearly despite having a cigarette between his gritted and
unmoving teeth. Ken is quite a scaredy-cat; as he stuffs the vampires'
corpses full of drugs, he keeps praying that the vampires won't turn on
them when he isn't lighting incense and chanting, "Bless our drugs!" All of Ken's effort are
in vain, though; a cigarette burn to the crotch (don't ask) is the
first sign that the vampires are waking up, and soon the entire temple
is a big brawl, with Ken and Tony engaging in slapstick kung-fu with
the hopping vampires. This fighting will look very familiar to Hong
Kong movie fans, especially when the mustached Taoist priest comes in
out of nowhere and saves the day. This scene, and the reoccurring
elements with the hopping vampires and the Taoist priest are blatant
imitations of the elements found in the hugely popular Hong Kong movie Mr.
Vampire (and its sequels.) I will say that the retread of Mr.
Vampire here is as fun as in the original film - but for
unintentional reasons this time.
After a confusing "meanwhile..." cut to
another location, where packets of drugs are being stuffed into the
(apparently) real corpse of a cow while onlooking guards laugh at this
utterly gruesome activity, we go back to the temple. The Taoist priest
is preparing to unveil his greatest vampire creation to two of Kull's
observing thugs. Though what seems to be different about this
particular vampire is that its face seems to be covered by a really
cheesy rubber gorilla mask instead of black bubblegum. But before the
priest can really show off what his vampire creation can do, a ghost (a
Caucasian woman in white flowing robes) flies into the scene. Her name
is Christina, and she resents that her former Asian boyfriend Peter was
turned into a vampire! For you see, when they were alive, their parents
wouldn't let them marry, since they were against mixed marriages. So
they (apparently - this also is never made clear) killed themselves so
they could be together in the afterlife. After getting into some
hard-core patty-cake fighting with the priest, Christina soon finds
herself fighting Peter, who doesn't recognize her in her new form. But
as soon as Peter sees a tattoo on her thigh, he recognizes her. The
observing thugs then insist that the priest get Christina and Peter
married(!) Though the priest initially is equally opposed to mixed
marriage (at least between a ghost and a vampire), he relents.
Now that the fuss concerning Christina and Peter is
solved, Kull and his gang resume their drug operation with a vengeance.
They are not worried anymore, even when Tom and one of his anti-drug
squads attack one shipment, and a
shoot-out with the two groups six feet away from each other. The priest
simply opens a bottle - apparently, he has bottled vampires - and
unleashes a vampire on the squad. The squad tries fighting back, but
all their efforts are ineffective, and the vampire unleashes steam and
fireworks at all of them. The camera subsequently focuses in on the
face of one of the unmoving squad members. I guess that's supposed to
be Tom; I say "guess", because there has been no positive
identification of this Tom guy previously in the movie.
It turns out that guy was Tom. Dying, he is
transported into the best medical facilities the squad have, a
converted garage. Despite the fact the operating doctor's physical
features look as heroic as those of Michael Dudikoff's, the medical
machine connected to Tom's body soon goes from displaying a big "+" symbol
to a big "-" symbol. Literally seconds after Tom
passes away, a colleague of his approaches their superior and states,
"Since Tom is dead, I want to use his body to make an android-like
robot, Mr. Glen. I would appreciate you approving my application."
Mr. Glen isn't quite convinced. "Are you assured
"Well, then your application is approved."

If this plot twist isn't enough for you, don't worry -
it's here that the movie decides to add an additional subplot to the
movie. Somewhere else in The Golden Triangle, we see some armed thugs
running riot on a religious compound, looking for a stash of drugs
hidden there. Though they find the drugs hidden in the chapel's big
cross, they are momentarily thwarted by a blonde woman with an assault
rifle. (Vampires, cyborgs, and now blondes with guns - this movie has
it all!)
While the mysterious woman and the thugs exchange gunfire for the next
few minutes, we observe that there are mysterious forces at work here.
Though they don't involve vampires, we do see day changing into night
(and vice versa) several times, as well as the blonde woman's hair
mysteriously turning a shade of grey whenever she has to do something
risky, like jumping out of a window and rolling on the ground.
Eventually she is caught, and it's revealed that this blonde woman,
Sophie, is actually a drug agent. It's now up to the anti-drug squad to
rescue her. Will they send their new cyborg creation to save her? No!
After all, if you're adding a new subplot, why not more characters? So
we are introduced to "Ray", a commando mercenary leader who is paid
$30,000 to get a Dirty Dozen platoon together to save her. (Though it
ends up being more like a Smelly Six.)
Meanwhile, RoboTom has been activated, and after thirty seconds of
practice he is ready to be released into the line of duty. He first
busts into a drug lab and captures the workers... peacefully! Don't
worry, action fans, RoboTom soon gets into battle. When Richard and the
Taoist priest encounter more drug agents during another shipment, they
again unleash vampires on them. It goes very badly for the agents one
again, but soon RoboTom (actually, here he's finally given the name of
"RoboWarrior") enters the scene, and he fights off the vampires with
his machine gun and fists. After the battle is over, he radios in for
help for all the fallen drug agents. Very considerate of him - though
it would have been more considerate if he had gotten there sooner.
Meanwhile, Sophie is being given the old Chinese water torture, and she
is screaming "Turn it off!" The head honcho replies, "This is only the
beginning - it goes much worse than this!"
Very apt words, because at this point of the movie, the running time
isn't even half over! I have simply not begun to properly describe the
equally insane plot developments that follow from this point. Nor have
I begun to describe the absolute inept way these plot developments are
executed, from RoboWarrior's footsteps making loud "thump" noises on a
beach to RoboWarrior's many fights with the vampires
(which greatly resemble that childhood game "Ring Around The Rosies".)
Though I am sure some cynical viewers will be echoing Sophie's cry of
"Turn it off!" not long into the movie, it's very unlikely to be said
by viewers who have a shred of humor in them. By now, you have
certainly decided whether you want to see this movie or not, so I'll
say no more - except to note that Tang has outdone himself with this
effort. (And I expect the last seven words of that previous sentence to
be quoted on the video/DVD box when it's reissued.)
Check for availability on Amazon (DVD)
See also: Give Me My Money,
Ninja Champion, Ninja: Silent Assassin