The Tracker
Director: Jeff
Cast: Casper Van Dien, Russell Wong, Francois Robertson
I tried, you know. Honest, I did. As a reviewer of
unknown movies, I know it's my job to stay out of the mainstream. But
the forces of darkness were starting to surround me like never before.
I knew others like me had tried and failed to hang on, so I was trying
my hardest to stay pure. Still, the influence was growing, and it
finally occurred to me that if I did manage to hang on,
one day I might find myself
out of touch and out of date, too late to learn the trade of the
And life is all about constant changes, anyway. So I concluded it was
for me to change.
In other words, I bought a DVD player.
Now, before you scream that I've sold out, that I've
one of those DVD snobs, hear me out. First of all, I've got a ton of
movies on videotape sitting on my shelves. So I won't be abandoning my
VCR for a long time. (Also, remember when CDs came to replace audio
- audio tape is still used to make copies a heck of a lot more than
recordable media.) Second, the DVD player I bought is actually a
2, so I really bought the machine for the games, not the DVD player.
I knew there was only one right choice for me for my first DVD rental:
So I went down to my favorite video store to find
suitably unknown for me to review on DVD. Looking at what was
another reason comes up as to why I won't be abandoning VHS for some
- there presently aren't very many unknown movies on DVD. But I found
that day, The Tracker, with Casper Van Dien, who I
the biggest named B movie star that you've almost certainly never heard
of. His one shot to glory was to appear in Starship Troopers,
but it's been a long descent since then, this movie being no exception.
The fault here doesn't just lie in his choice of a script, but himself,
period. Simply put, it's simply the way he looks in this movie
turns you off, especially since he is supposed to be the hero! He looks
very freaky here, with his piercing eyes, slicked-back hair, teeth
together, chin jutting out, and having the unfortunate luck to have a
that looks like he has five o'clock shadow despite being clean shaven.
Take a look for yourself:

Creeps you out, doesn't it? (Incidentally, this being
miscast has happened before; remember when he was oddly cast as a
small and unmuscular Tarzan in Tarzan And The Lost City?)
Anyway... Van Dien plays Spears, a LA.-based private
who isn't exactly the most endearing guy around. That's evident from
the obligatory
introduction-via-unrelated-case, where he drops in at a wedding
to expose the bride's secret past, and expose just what a real jerk he
is. After that's, what comes is the obligatory
this one being Rick (Wong), the brother of Kim, the obligatory
We had previously seen in the obligatory opening-action-scene (a very
and unbelievable sequence that, among other things, shows us a
maid doing a John Woo with two guns) where she was kidnapped by some
thugs from her New York home. Of course, subsequently as the two former
friends talk there is the obligatory revelation where we find out
family is connected to the Chinese mob, and the obligatory statement
the hero that he doesn't want to get involved. But of course, there's
obligatory protest from the former friend that the hero must still love
her because etc. etc. etc.
Of course you know how it is, and that our hero does go
back to New York. It was clear at this point of the movie that this
ambition wasn't going to be much more than by-the-numbers. When the two
fly to New York, guess who they immediately hire to help them out?
right - a cabbie outside the airport. The only difference this time
is that the cabbie is a woman, and she is assigned to do laborious
relief like punching a fellow cabbie in the nose when he pinches her
Apart from that, the only thing she gets to do is keep repeating an
routine she has with her lighter. There's no real reason why she is
- she isn't a love interest, she doesn't affect the plot at all, and
only seems to be there to provide work for a hungry actress.
Speaking of things that are essentially useless, take
a scene that happens not long after that meeting, when the trio go to
cops to try and find some clues. This scene is the obligatory
that the hero used to be a cop at the precinct, and all the cops there
now hate him. And that's it. No, there's nothing introduced or hinted
this sequence that comes to play later on in the movie. All it provides
is the obligatory sequence when a high- ranked police
officer sneers and
snarls at our hero. There are other scenes where there's also a general
feeling of uselessness; the visit to the mansion of the leader of the
mob family, and a visit to the warehouse owned by the rival Russian are
both intended to uncover clues about the kidnapping, but reveal none.
seems the actual intentions of both scenes are to provide fight
If you think that sounds bad, you haven't heard the worst; Spears at
point has a flashback about a sexy hot tub encounter he once had with
and the only intention this flashback seems to have is to provide some
gratuitous nudity.
And that nudity can be called fleeting at best. You have
to wonder why they even went to all that trouble to do that scene, as
as every other scene in the movie. The Tracker is
filled with elements that are either unimaginative or downright tiring
to see again. The martial arts sequences are brutal yet dull, with the
heroes pounding the bad guys (and sometimes themselves) with moves that
Jackie Chan could do in his sleep, and include familiar sights like
being kicked into an electrical box. The characters are given as little
exposition as possible, resulting in them being thoroughly unlikable,
much so that you wouldn't mind if the bad guys killed them off, as long
as the movie would end. And the story - well, I wonder if it can even
called a story, with the movie being filled with scenes that serve no
to the story. But also because there is no surprise with what happens
the end. Even if the back of the DVD case didn't more or less reveal
happens, there are some painfully obvious clues that will have you
what will happen far, far before the heroes find out.
If I was one of those DVD snobs that you occasionally
come across on DVD
movie review sites on the Internet, this is the part of the
review where I'd say something like: "The Tracker is
in 1 x 1.33, an outrageous decision, even though with the central
of everything onscreen, it's not like letterboxing would make much of a
difference. The image is somewhat dark but clean, with none of
grimy icky things that you find on other prints. Sound quality is
decent enough
to make it seem like a thug fearfully urinating in his pants is right
to you. Aside from brief biographies of Van Dien and Wong, this is a
disc - how dare they selfishly not include director's commentary even
it would surely be boring? As well as the fact there is no trailer,
even though
there would never have been a point in this film's history for it to
economic sense to make a trailer for it. To think that there used to be
days when the movie itself would satisfy consumers; how glad I don't
in those barbarian days anymore!" But I'm not a DVD snob, so I
say all that.
Check for availability on Amazon (VHS)
Check for availability on Amazon (DVD)
See also: Body Armor, Chance, The Mercenary